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Invincible Iron Man, Vol. 4: Stark Disassembled (2011)

by Matt Fraction(Favorite Author)
4 of 5 Votes: 2
The Invincible Iron Man
review 1: Poor, poor Tony Stark. He’s gone from the Marvel universe pariah to whipping boy to fugitive and don’t get me started on the Illuminati. Meddling egghead bastards! Now, he’s in a coma and it’s Humpty Dumpty time for Iron Man. He’s wiped superhero identity data that was implanted in his mind and it’s time to kick start that brain. “Hey, Pepper, can I have that repulsor ray thing that was surgically inserted into your chest. Thanks, you can have your dental plan back.”Much of the adventure for Stark takes place in his head as he struggles to wake up. He’s being aided by a close knit group of heroes who don’t think he’s a total creep. I guess Tony wished times were simpler: he had perpetual gin breath and his armor smelled like vomit. The Matt ... moreFraction stuff I’ve read recently (Fantastic Faux, My Life as a Weapon) revealed his penchant for the off-beat, here he deftly creates a compelling story for Iron Man, redeeming one of the more reviled Marvel characters.*Question: Since when has Dr. Donald Blake become Thor’s alter-ego again?*He couldn’t be a total ass if Marvel was releasing the Iron Man movies, now could he?
review 2: I love how the cover recasts the iconic Tony Stark at Captain America's corpse image, which itself recast the iconic image of the Avengers discovering Captain America in ice.The two-tone issue covers were also marvelously striking.That said, the parts of this storyline that dealt with Tony wandering around his inner landscape were disappointing. I felt like there were a few good images drowned in a lot of repetition, and I wanted a lot more depth about Tony's current relationships and friendships, particularly the fallout of the civil war. The storylines in the waking world were much more interesting, though I am still hopelessly confused about what Tony's former friends think of him, and I wanted a hell of a lot more emo porn in his encounters with Captain America and Thor. Perhaps when he's awake.The emotional climax -- Tony needs to be able to ask for help -- and the killer machines show up again in later arcs, although I hope the machine arc isn't done. I don't feel like we really get a satisfactory answer to why Tony went so far to creating world-destroying machines. (Or why he needs to, when the world already has nuclear bombs, but I try not to ask these questions about comics.) less
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Very good story. I only wish more happened in each collected edition.
Read this in single issues. Wow man. Fraction is the man
Individual issues on marvel unlimited
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