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Memoirs Of An Imaginary Friend (2012)

by Matthew Dicks(Favorite Author)
4.09 of 5 Votes: 1
125000621X (ISBN13: 9781250006219)
St. Martin's Press
review 1: My rating is probably closer to 4-1/2 stars. Such an unusual idea for a book! As the title suggests, the story is told by Budo, the imaginary friend of an eight-year-old boy named Max, who is autistic. Max gets in some trouble and Budo helps save him. In some ways Budo is like an eight-year-old boy because he's learned the same things that Max has learned. But Budo doesn't sleep (because Max never imagined him sleeping) so at night he spends time around adults and watches tv and therefore is wiser than a child. He has some wonderful insights into relationships and education (the author is an elementary school teacher so I assume some of the thoughts may be his own). There were a few times some things seemed improbable, but since the whole book is improbable, I didn'... moret mind. I enjoyed going into a world I've never thought about before.
review 2: I loved, loved, loved this book! And what a way to write it. It's actually told by the imaginary friend Budo. His creator, a little boy named Max, is on the Autism Spectrum. We see all the quirks, tics and specialness that makes up this boy Max. We see his parents struggle with the fact that he's different. We see how Max responds to teachers and paraprofessionals at his school. And all this is seen thru the eyes of his imaginary friend Budo. At times I found myself laughing outloud at this book. There are some touching and poignant parts too. And some scary parts. I can't say enough about this book and the journey that Budo goes on to help Max. Great book!! less
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Fascinating and heartfelt! Such a wonderful, brilliant and sad story!
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