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Moving Targets And Other Tales Of Valdemar (2008)

by Mercedes Lackey(Favorite Author)
3.86 of 5 Votes: 5
0756405289 (ISBN13: 9780756405281)
Tales of Valdemar
review 1: This series of collections has falling into a steady rhythm - familiar contributors, mostly familiar stories. It's good, solid Valdemar stuff, and Heralds are particularly well-suited to episodic stories.The title story by Lackey is worth a note - it is, of all things, a Scooby-Doo pastiche. It's dreadfully irreverent, and kind of note-perfect. I thought it was moderately hilarious, although I would not like it to represent a trend.
review 2: Title story--Moving Targets--clearly a Scooby Do story set in Valdemar; as a spoof, it was moderately funny and the villain is transparently obvious. I hope the other stories are better though. Yes, it's her universe/world, and she can do what she wants with it, but I didn't like it that much despite the fact that I was
... morea huge Scooby fan as a child.The other stories ran the gamut of Velgarth. One story was about a fencing master in the town where Kethry was from originally. Then, a story about Karse children with witch powers. I especially liked the story about the twins who proved that splitting them up was a bad idea. We also had a story about the Haven guard. Overall, a good collection. If you liked the other three compilations, you'll like this one. less
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Scobby-doo! Ha ha, just finished the first story.
A fun short story collection, but not a must have
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No. Just...no.
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