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Sommardöden (2008)

by Mons Kallentoft(Favorite Author)
3.54 of 5 Votes: 1
9127115755 (ISBN13: 9789127115750)
Natur och Kultur
Malin Fors
review 1: Missing the half stars used on other pages: it would be 3.5. Thanks to Ancestral's opinion I changed my view of this book. At the beginning, the switching from Ich- to Er-Erzählung was really bothering me as I didn't grasp who was speaking at certain moments. Once you get used to it, you'll (probably) enjoy the book. The plot is well constructed (although nothing new, but on the other hand, what is new in fiction/this world?). The author's style is quite specific: short elliptical sentences that may remind a reader of stream of consciousness (but this may be an overstatement for some critics). The end not too sentimental. But I don't agree with The Guardian that Malin is "one of the best-realised female heroines I've ever read by a male writer" as I had a constant feeling... more Malin is a man or at least she thinks and acts like one.
review 2: This is the second book by Mons Kallentoft featuring the female detective Malin Fors. The story is set in one of the hottest summers Sweden has experienced, and the heat itself plays a character all of it's own in the book. Teenage girls are being murdered in the city of Linkoping, their bodies scrubbed clean with bleach. Fors is the detective leading the case and the book is full of twists and turns that keeps you turning the pages. The story takes a very personal twist for Fors as the book reaches its conclusion and has you gripped to the very end. less
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Gruesome but good. I liked the writing and the style of narration.
A good cop investigative thriller with a surprise ending.
another good Swedish crime novel...
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