10X Rule—-A Must Read ​(or listen) Book


Book in one sentence: Set goals for yourself that you believe are greater than you can achieve and then take 10x actions to reach them.

The 10x Rule is a book that I have listened to numerous times on Audible throughout 2017. In my case, its given me very useful information to help me get started on things that I have been planning but haven’t quite yet started.

In the 10X Rule, Grant Cardone explains how setting goals 10X greater than what you would dream of is beneficial because even if you don’t achieve that goal you are sure to achieve something you are proud of because of how big the goal was, to begin with. Something else he touches on is the action that is taken to reach those goals need to be 10x greater than normal. He goes into how this can be done when he talks about time management. This is just the basis of the book but he touches on so much more like fear, dominating, and not using blame as an excuse for not being successful. Grant Cardone does a great job narrating. He brings so much life and enthusiasm to his book.

I have listened to this book on audible on multiple occasions. I use it when I feel like I’m in a rut or when I just need some quick motivation. I definitely recommend this book if you’re into self-help books. And if you’re not into self-help books, I still recommend as there is a lot of great information in this book.

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