Get to know talented young ‘The Walking Dead’ actress Kyla Kenedy

Kyla Kenedy at Colorado Springs Comic Con

Kyla Kenedy enjoyed her time meeting her fans at the recent Colorado Springs Comic Con Aug. 25-27, 2017. The talented young star was actually called in for a different role and was actually cast as Mika who was originally supposed to be a boy. Born in Charleston, SC Kenedy is well known for her role as Mika in “The Walking Dead” and Dylan in creative comedy series “Speechless.” She can also be seen playing Brianna on the show “The Night Shift.”

Kyla Kenedy on ‘Speechless,’ photo credit to YouTube

Colleen Bement: You are completely hilarious in “Speechless.” How as your experience been?

Kyla Kenedy: We’re starting our second season now and it airs September 27th. It’s different. It’s a really fun show. They aren’t afraid to do anything. I get to work with so many amazing people, and I’m learning so many things. It’s such a great project to be a part of.

Kyla Kenedy in ‘The Walking Dead,’ credit to YouTube

CB: Have you had any scenes that you have found difficult or challenging?

KK: Not necessarily challenging. I feel like with each scene as an actor you kind of get to play around with it and figure out how you think your character would do the scene. It is definitely fun. The more intense scenes I kind of find more fun just because I get to mess around with it a little bit more.

CB: What got you started in acting?

KK: Since I was about eight. I’ve always wanted to do it. I always love getting to be different people and kind of explore everything. I’m the type of person who is very indecisive, so I love to do one thing one minute, and in acting, I can kind of embody anybody and just do anything.

CB: What can you share about your role in “The Night Shift,” and do you have any other projects in the works?

KK: I’ve been doing that for about two years now. It’s really fun. Everyone there is amazing and it’s a great storyline and I’m happy to be a part of it.

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