House of Ivy and Sorrow – Natalie Whipple

Well that was delightful. I really enjoyed this book. It is a 5/5 for me. It had everything I liked: magic, friendships, underdogs, simple love, etc. Perfect young adult chick lit book. It isn’t perfect, but it is fun.

One thing I really loved was the way magic is viewed. In so many books you see “good” and “bad” magic, but in this world magic is dark. The kind of person you are depends on if you let the magic control you or if you control the magic. I think that is beautiful and is a metaphor for just about anything else in life.

Disclaimer: I have had the flu for a week so I apologize for this and the next blog post. The two books I finished were in flu haze so the posts will probably suffer.

Fictional characters who would like this book: Ben Wyatt and Luna Lovegood.

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