The December statistics are based on over 2.5 Mio. kilometers or 1.6 Mio. miles experiences from 434 ebike systems or users.
As usual no month without a motor issue! The last days I registered 35 new motor issues at Bosch Classic & CX, Impulse1.0 & 2.0 & 2.2, Yamaha PW, some of them were in the past.
Blaukohl (#199) His 2013 Bosch Classic had a cracked gear wheel after 16,000km. He bought an used unit and fixed the motor himself.
P256 (#419) has a Trekking bike since 2013. He wrote that every 4,500km the white big gear wheel is cracking. He is also fixing the motor with parts from used units.
Bosch CXCarlo (#433) was asking in a german FB group, if there is someone having also motor issues every 1,300km. First motor had a cracked right man bearing after 1,300km and the 2nd motor makes the same strange noise after 1,250km – both issues are warranty claims.
Impulse2.0E-Andy58 (#428) registered his bike in December 2017. He had two motor issues since mid of 2015.
- First motor started with duck noise after 2,500km – a warranty claim.
- Second motor started with duck noise just after 500km – motor changed.
- Third motor is running since 2 weeks, and guess what – right! Starting with duck noise – he is waiting for the new Impulse2.2 – delivery is planned in January 2018.
#386 and #388 had both loss of power after just 2,500km. The motors had been replaced in a bike shop – no warranty issues!
All other issues #385, #387 and #389-393 have unknown root causes. The motors had been replaced between 300km and 13,000km.
#400 and #406 had both complete blocked motors after just 2,500km and 6,600km. The motors had been replaced in a bike shop – no warranty issues!
All other issues #394-399, #401-405 and #407, #408 have unknown root causes. The motors had been replaced between 400km and 6,600km.
After arroung 500km the motor of #409 was replaced – reason unknown.
Lightrider (#413) had just optical reasons why his hub motor was changed – it was working properly until the removal.
Yamaha PWJanni (#415) made 4,900km when the motor stopped working. The unit had an electrical fault and could not be fixed. A typical warranty claim, Janni got a brand new motor.
Sollingbiker (#422) had to change the right main bearing after 7,000km. He wrote that it was no problem – maybe dirt and salt was responsible for this failure.
Go to Google table with all registered motor issues
Mileage charts in kilometers of running and failed drive units in alphabetic order:
- green: running
- red: failed or removed at shown mileage
- blue: drive unit had an issue and was fixed
- black line on the right: last mileage update less than 6 month ago