January Bookish Releases

This year has so many new releases in the book community and I am so here for it. There are at least twenty new books just for the January month, however, I have chosen my top ten releases for January. I am hoping to do this every month just to let you know what books I will be looking out for in a certain month.

Busted by Gina Ciocca

This book follows a girl who begins to spy on boys in her high school on the ones who are believed to be cheating on their girlfriends. However, as she discovers that one of the boys are in love with her rather than the girl he goes out with her world is turned upside down.
This book caught my attention because of the fact that I am interested in the cheating aspect of this novel because it is a subject that does interest me and the reasons behind it. This comes out on the 2nd of January and it is one of my most anticipated books of this month.

You’ll Miss Me When I’m Gone by Rachel Lynn Solomon
This novel follows the story of twins who discover that they must be tested for Huntington’s disease as it runs in the family. The two twins react differently to this news and whilst one rebels against her Jewish background, the other twin turns to it for comfort.
I don’t know a lot about this novel but I am interested to see how it progresses and how the two teens react to this horrifying news. I am also so here for the family relationships that are meant to be present in this book. This book also comes out on the 2nd of January.

Love and Other Train Wrecks by Leah Konen
Oh, look another contemporary. Yes, I do like a contemporary alongside my fantasy addiction. Two strangers meet on a train; one believes in true love and the other doesn’t believe in love at all. After their train breaks down they end up taking a detour to try and get to their destination only to find feelings questioned.
I am looking forward to this book despite it being a classic romance between two people, sometimes I’m in the mood for that. Sometimes I want to sit in my cozy reading corner and read a fluffy book. Also, can we just talk about how adorable this cover is? I’m in love. This book will be released on the 2nd of January (alongside every other book by the looks of it).

Batman: Nightwalker – Marie Lu
I am a Marvel fan don’t get me wrong. Marvel is what I live for. However, I do like some DC and I am so ready for this new series of books written by some of my favorite authors about the DC characters back stories. I already own Wonder Woman by Leigh Bardugo which I plan on reading at some point in January.
Nightwalker follows Bruce Wayne as a teenager who is about to turn eighteen and inherit the keys to Wayne Enterprises. However, when something goes wrong he ends up doing community service at Arkham Asylum where he meets Madeleine Wallace. As he attempts to discover what this girl is about Nightwalkers threaten the city.
I am not the biggest fan of Batman however, I am very excited for this book. I am hoping that it will make me understand and enjoy the Batman series a little more. This book comes out on 2nd of January.

The Cruel Prince by Holly Black
I am beyond excited for this book. This is one of my most anticipated books of the whole year. It involves faerie and a strong main character and it is a fantasy so I’m so excited. I’ve never read a Holly Black book but I am determined for this to be my first.
This follows a mortal girl who was taken after her parents were murdered into the Fey world despite the Fey hating humans. But as the Fey are involved in a world she finds herself fighting for her sisters and herself.
I am beyond excited for this fantasy book especially as I can feel a book hangover ready for when I finish Crooked Kingdom so I am hoping this will help with that. This comes out on the 2nd of January.

Meet Cute by Various YA Authors
I want more fantasies, please. But, I am so excited for this book. For one thing, it includes a lot of young adult authors that I haven’t read yet but I want to pick up so I am hoping that it will let me see their writing style. Plus this cover. I just can’t even.
This is about how different couples meet and begin their relationships. I don’t know much about this book, however, I know it is supposed to include some same-sex relationships and just overall fluffiness so I am excited. Plus, Katherine McGee. Who could ask for more? It’s release on the same date as all the rest of them.

Don’t Cosplay With My Heart by Cecil Castellucci
I used to be a cosplayer. That is something you need to know about me. So when I heard about this book I was beyond excited. Any story about cosplaying I need.
This follows a girl who uses cosplay as an escape to feel important and to escape from the outside world as her life is falling apart and she begins to lose sight of what is right and wrong. She needs to decide if she can be the hero of her own story or if she can’t do it by her side.
It has girl power. It has cosplay. It has fandoms. I’m here for it. You know when it comes out.

Love Hate and Other Filters by Samira Ahmed
This follows a girl who is ready to move to university but is fighting with the guilt of leaving her family. However, when there is a tragic terrorist attack and the terrorist involved shares her last name. Now in her small community, she is shunned and begins to question her life and faces islamophobia for the first time.
I may have got some of that information wrong because I don’t know that much but I am looking forward to this book due to the fact it is written by an own voices author. This one comes out today on the 16th of January.

Zenith by Sasha Alsberg and Lindsay Cummings
Everyone and their dogs know about this book. It is one of the most talked about books on BookTube I have seen in a while and this has made me want to read it because of the hype. All I know is it involves a crew of female space pirates and some form of adventure in space.
Sasha Alsberg is one of my favorite BookTuber’s and I watch her videos religiously so I am excited to see what she has written. Plus can we just talk about how her bookshelves are the definition of goals? This book also comes out today.

Winner Take All by Laurie Devore
Please, can some fantasy books come out soon because here is another contemporary? I really do want to read this book mainly because it follows a strong, competitive female character and a boy that is the rich boy of the school who is always one step ahead. But when something threatens their relationship they are forced to question everything.
I want to read this just because I like the idea of secrets and this secret has made me curious just like it does whenever a secret is involved because I am nosy and I do get interested. This book comes out on the 30th of January and I am here for it.

These are my most anticipated releases. Although there are others I am excited about such as Gunslinger Girl and Markswoman these are my top ten releases. Let me know what books you are looking forward to in the comments.

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