Jessy Lets Her Wife Pick Her Meals. 14/365

Sundays can be both so very difficult and yet absolutely wonderful.

I love Sundays because it’s typically the more relaxed day out of the two day weekend. Saturday’s can be spent running errands, finishing up work and doing chores while also fitting in some relax time. Sunday’s I am less likely to do much of anything but play video games, read or spend the entire day online; which can be so healing and nice after having a stressful week.

But Sundays can also be difficult in regards to the fact that Monday soon follows closely behind it. I get stressed thinking about how the hours of my free time are slowly dwindling away.

Its morning and you’ve got the entire day at your grasp and you feel relaxed until it quickly turns to the afternoon and you start to savor your time a bit more. Before you know it, its night and you realize you have to get ready for the next day and, if you are like me, you contemplate if staying up later would be such an awful idea just to get some extra time for yourself in or if you should go to bed early to get a good start to the week.

If you’re also like me, you’ll stay up well into the morning just to get that last bit of weekend out anyways and then regret it when you’re exhausted in the morning.

It always seems to go about the same. I spend my entire day relaxing but then I regret doing so when I realize my weekend is gone and wish I had spent the day doing something else a bit more meaningful. Even if I need to relax, so I don’t get stressed. No matter how wonderful Sunday’s are, I’m always so bummed by the end of this day.

Trying to look forward to the work week, I started on another list of possible ‘new things’ for me to try for the upcoming days. In my opinion, I won’t be able to do really anything too exciting. This week is going to be a busy one for me with doctor appointments, meetings and longer days at work; so I won’t be adding anything to the list that I feel I won’t be able to commit doing throughout the day.

For this week, I planned

  • One new movie (not sure what yet..) or book.

  • Try chocolate almond pocky


  • Compliment every person I meet at least once.


  • Try a new bath set.


  • Try a new exercise or dance routine


  • Create a bucket list

  • Go to sleep in a different room of my house.

  • Leave a kind message to someone in a book (library or store)


I have eight different things on this list only because, as I keep finding out, every week throws me something new. I want to be prepared with as many things as I can so I don’t wind up out of ideas by the end of the week!

My new thing for today was to let my wife choose everything I ate.

I got this idea from online. The post said, ‘let someone pick a meal for you’. I couldn’t help but think only one meal? That’s hardly a challenge! So I decided to have my wife pick out every single thing I ate today, including meals, desserts, snacks and even drinks. The overall task much more difficult than I ever imagined.

For breakfast, my wife had me eat three eggs, a bagel with cream cheese, and a water.

Already, this was very different from my normal breakfast routine. I don’t eat big meals for breakfast and, if I do, it’s almost always something very sugary. A granola bar will typically keep me satisfied until lunch on most workdays, but during the weekend when I have time to sit around and waste time in the mornings I like to eat cereal, pancakes, waffles and anything else that can give me a sugar rush.

I consider myself fairly healthy, but I don’t ever wash my food down with anything that’s necessarily good for me in the mornings. Instead I have a pop/soda right off the bat with my small breakfast or a large cup of coffee. I won’t hesitate to drive over to Starbucks or any other coffee shop to get something for me to wake up, taking in most of my calories in drinks over food.

So not only was it way too much food, it was something I don’t really enjoy that much anymore. At least not for breakfast. But with my wife agreeing to pick out my every meal, I was to strive to not complain or to persuade her decisions in what she got me.

The bagel was a nice choice to be paired with the eggs as it gave me something else to chew on that didn’t feel so hot and slimey, but I could hardly finish half the plate let alone all of it. I got through a good amount of it though, even finished my water!

For Lunch, the portions were much better as I was a lot hungrier by then. My wife had me wait until we went out with our family around 11, which felt perfect as the food came just at the right time.

She ordered me a black bean burger and a side caeser salad, which I scarfed down easily. Being a vegetarian, it wasn’t very difficult for her to choose something for me at the restaurant as there were limited choices in what I could eat. Still, out of all the items there, I was happy to get the black bean burger and salad as it was just the right amount of food and taste to leave me feeling full for the rest of the afternoon.

For supper, my wife did ask how much I wanted to eat. By this time, I was still rather full from the lunch and neither of us were in the mood to do much cooking so we picked up some fast food and my wife got me fries as I said I didn’t want much to eat this evening. (Sorry, I forgot to take a pic!)

I didn’t eat anything else for the rest of the evening but on our way home we got coffee and, to my surprise and joy, she ordered my favorite drink for me. A bit cheating considering she knew I would love it, but I didn’t complain!

Overall, I found this new thing to be rather strange to experience. I forget that when we were children that my Mom pretty much picked almost all of my food as a child and, having no options, I simply ate it. Being an adult, I can pick and choose literally anything that goes into my body whether it’s good for me or not.

It was odd to give up control for a day and let someone choose your meals for you, but it was comforting to know it was my wife as she is well aware of my diet restrictions and most of the food I like.

In the future, I’d like to try other members of my family or even my friends to compare how they think I should eat. On top of that, I’d like to try this on different days to see the varying results. I wasn’t as hungry today because I wasn’t using up much energy today like I would during the week, making me curious to see how different it would be or how I would react to it.

My wife’s choices were all well rather balanced, asides supper which had a bit of my influence, and I could see how she cared in the choices she made for me.

She wanted me to have plenty to eat for breakfast and to remember to drink water.

For Lunch she knew I love burgers and that my favorite salad was caeser just in case the burger turned out badly.

Even though I didn’t want to eat much for supper, she still made sure I had something. Fries being my favorite fast food paired up with some delicious coffee was a nice treat after a day of giving up my typical food choices.

It also was somewhat of a reality check, a self realization about all the foods I eat and how a change in my diet might not be such a bad thing. At least maybe I can start with breakfast..cutting out some sugar!

We’ll see!