My third and final night in 5th Avenue and no different. I felt no desire for anything (anyone)
Casanova / 2018-01-13
My third and final night in 5th Avenue, and no different. I felt no desire for anything (anyone). Last time I had been stunned by Brazilian Diane; the time before by Moroccan Leyla; but this time no one. It is the luck of the draw. This is the roulette. Probably just as well. Makes it easy to go home; and no great desperation to come back. In that sense, a very successful visit. Finally my first Brussels Grill of this trip. The non-stop rain turned out to be a very weak spray of rain. Like an eau de perfume mist of rain the whole time. Steak. Steak. I can smell it. I want steak. I’ve been surrounded by floozies for 3 whole days and I’ve not wanted any of them as much as I want this steak. That says it all.
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