Negotiate: Give, But Take.

When engaging in a negotiation, be prepared to give or to yield if you must, but for every concession that you make, be absolutely certain to get a concession in return. If you’ve given, you must take. Not only is this sacred ritual in the long-storied history of negotiation, but it demonstrates that what you have sacrificed was something of value which must be replaced in some form.

It gives your counterpart or opponent in the negotiation a sense that he or she has truly gotten something great from you, and that is inherently disarming… it allows further negotiation to go that much more smoothly, with your opponent lulled in the sweet afterglow of a perceived victory.

Making a concession and taking some small thing in return opens the door for you to be tougher (but not so obviously) as the negotiation process continues.  – Douglas Castle

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