Hi guys,
racing towards the finish line of this year, I really see that I’m supposed to read more books to get these Reading Challenges done. Also, I have been on vacation AND watched Stranger Things 2 (I’m still hyped). You can read more about all these things down below!
Watership Down by Richard Adams
3 out of 5 stars
This book is about a group of rabbits who are looking for their own den, as their old den is in danger. This book was very tedious for me and I almost gave it 2 stars because I seriously thought about just canceling it. It had its highlights, but mostly I found it very monotonous. You can read a lot of social criticism and transfer a lot of this book to the present day. That was also why I have given it 3 stars.
November 9 by Colleen Hoover (Full Review)
2 out of 5 stars
When Fallon meets her busy father before moving to New York, student Ben comes to her aid. Both of them get along very well right from the start, but can’t start a relationship for several reasons, including the move’s sake. Therefore, each year, they decide to meet on the same day, on the 9th of November, and have no contact with each other during the year.
You can read my whole rant about this book in my full review. Basically I can say that this book was cute, hugely considering the flaws it has. And it has huge flaws.
Das Neanderthal-Projekt by Jens Lubbadeh (Full Review)
5 out of 5 stars
100 women are selected to participate in a secret research project. No one is allowed to be in contact with the outside world during the experiment, and if they make it to the final round, the women must join the project for 9 months. Lara, one of the chosen ones, does not find these conditions bad as long as she receives the large sum of money as compensation. However, she soon realizes that she should have changed her mind.
That short story is a prequel for a German book and so far, it sounds really exciting. I kinda wished it was longer, on the other hand it got some gruesome scenes that I wished weren’t as detailed.
The Casual Vacancy by J.K.Rowling
2 out of 5 stars
When Barry Fairbrother surprisingly dies, a seat at the Pagford council opens up. From the surface being a neat little town, Pagford opens up his ugly sides when politic and power gets involved, showing the worst of people and their families.
This story is definitely not a pretty one. I think this has been the first book for J.K.Rowling after Harry Potter and for me, it shows. She tries so hard to write something different than a young adult book, using language, genre and setting to make this difference. For me, it turned out to be some watered down Game of Thrones story with plot twists that were super overdramatic. Yet, Rowling managed it to make the story very monotonous and bland. I couldn’t care to like the characters, to understand them, since they were all so detestable. No, that’s not quite right – Barry was my favorite and he basically died within the first chapter.
Popsugar Reading Challenge: 23/30 + 3 book
Popsugar Reading Challenge Advanced: 9/11 +0 books
Personal Challenge: 13/13 +0 book CHALLENGE COMPLETED!
Goodreads Challenge: 59/60 + 4 books
Total count of books left to complete all challenges: 8
In October, I have been on vacation in Rome! Staying at an AirBnB with three of my friends, we explored the city, ate loads of Italian food and celebrated one of my friend’s birthday. It was totally fun, also it has been warmer there than in Austria, which was a huge plus.
But oh my god, the tourist crowds were awful and people constantly tried to sell you selfie sticks and squeaking toys. Also I wouldn’t recommend using the metro, this seems to be even more crowded.
Without a doubt, if you haven’t already – please go and watch Stranger Things Season 2! This is such a good season and it didn’t disappoint me at all. This is my new Harry Potter kind of hype. Not that Harry Potter is out of the picture.
It’s about a group of kids in which one kid, Will Byers, goes missing. A mysterious girl with superpowers called Eleven appears and tries to help the group to find Will, who apparently got stuck in the Upside Down, a darker version of the current world.
Also I slowly start to like Westworld. It’s an HBO series that without a doubt will be the replacement for Game of Thrones once the show is over. Westworld is about a futuristic world that has a Western Theme park where people go and role play within different storylines. The characters in the park are programmed robots which seem just like other people. But something starts to disrupt the park and things slowly get out of hand.
Since it’s the middle of November, I already have a to be read – or more like: am currently reading. Fitting for my Rome trip in October, I’ve already read Angels & Demons by Dan Brown.
Also I plan to read Eat, Pray, Love by Elizabeth Gilbert after that, since a part of the book is supposed to be set in Rome. Yep, I’m still in my Rome bubble.
How to be a Woman by Caitlin Moran is planned to be the third book of November. After a long while, this is going to be a non-fiction book. I’m not sure if it’s going to be a full feminism book, but whatever.
And last but not least, Mom & Me & Mom by Maya Angelou is going to be my last book I want to read for November. If I’m ever getting this far, since I’m already procastinating by writing this blogpost.
October has been rather eventful in comparison for September. November is probably going to be stressful since it’s the month before December and therefore Christmas. Which leaves me to wonder how I’ll ever manage to finish my books, but oh well. We will see.
xo Annina
| Book Cover pics are from Goodreads & Rome pic is by Blattzirkus |
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