Rest in Pieces

Author: Bess Lovejoy
Genre: Non-fiction

“IN THE LONG RUN, WE’RE ALL DEAD. But for some of the most influential figures in history, death marked the start of a new adventure.

The famous deceased have been stolen, burned, sold, pickled, frozen, stuffed, impersonated, and even filed away in a lawyer’s office. Their fingers, teeth, toes, arms, legs, skulls, hearts, lungs, and nether regions have embarked on voyages that crisscross the globe and stretch the imagination.

Counterfeiters tried to steal Lincoln’s corpse. Einstein’s brain went on a cross-country road trip. And after Lord Horatio Nelson perished at Trafalgar, his sailors submerged him in brandy—which they drank.

From Mozart to Hitler, Rest in Pieces connects the lives of the famous dead to the hilarious and horrifying adventures of their corpses, and traces the evolution of cultural attitudes toward death.”

Halloween truly never ends for me. I welcome all things creepy, crawly, ooky, and spooky, all year round. I was watching one of favorite new YouTubers, Ask A Mortician, when she mentioned a book her friend had written about famous corpses like Eva Peron, Rasputin, and Napoleon. So of course, I had to check it out from the library. And I’m glad that I did, Rest in Pieces is a fun book about the not so fun things that can happen to your body after you die.

It’s a little weird to describe a book about corpses as fun, but it’s the truth. Maybe it’s because I’m suspiciously into dead things but there’s nothing I didn’t like about this book. The writing was engaging and easy to read. The corpses that were written about were interesting to read about and the illustrations were beautiful.

My favorite thing about this book was the feeling of eagerness it brought out in me. The un-put-downable feeling is not something you can predict or nail down. So many factors go into what really makes a book un-put-downable that when you finally get the book into your hands it’s mindblowing.

So yeah, this review is short because there are only so many ways you can say “put this book in my grave”. If you love dead bodies and fun facts, run, don’t walk to your nearest library and check this out.

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