As a promotional technique we have decided to create some badges with our logo on. We then placed these in and around Cardiff Met Llandaff campus to start to introduce our brand to the target audience. The reason for this is most of our sales will probably be to students and teachers at CSAD as this is where the event will be held. By just included the Brew logo it is quite implicit as people who do not know about the brand may start to become intrigued to who what these badges are for. Therefore it may be a good idea that when we get closer to the time to create posters and more badges. The posters will be able to include more information about the brand, product and sales event. This way it will provide more context and people will then understand what the badges are for.
Paper CoastersSherlock decided that it would be a good idea to design paper coaster ephemera that will be placed on tables around the University. Not only does this provide more information for the audience. By using information on the paper coaster suggests what the product is, not only is it a piece of ephemera but it is also interactive. The QR code highlights the contemporary style in our brand through the use of technology which directs the audience straight to our website to find out more about the brand.
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