Review: Wanted by You by Steph Nuss

Title: Wanted by You

Author: Steph Nuss

Genre:  New Adult

Publication Year: 2014

Got the Book By: Gift

Rating: 5 Stars




Carter was captivated by Ellyson Evans the moment he laid eyes on her, but she was the one girl who didn’t beg for his attention.

He wanted her.

Ellyson vowed to never fall in love, because love can destroy you, but then she met Carter Jennings.

She wanted him.

Unwilling to risk their comfortable friendship, neither confessed their desires.

Losing touch after college, a chance meeting reconnects them.

They want each other.

But love in the city is never quite that easy.



Carter and Elly had a love at first sight. They meet the first day of collage and immediately started building a good friendship. Even though they are really attracted to each other they never tell what their feelings where. When Carter goes back home Elly was left a little heartbroken but five years later destiny wants to get them reunited and Carter comes back to New York City. But now they are back together how do the act around each other. The debut novel of the author Steph Nuss and I loved it. When I received this book as a gift from the author and then read the blurb at the story got me interested.

My thought about this book are multiple: First let me say I loved the story and the characters. Their friendship is so good and lovely. Carter is really caring and a nice guy and a sexy teacher. Elly is a great friend and a strong woman, I liked the way she fights life even when the storm hit her real hard When they start developing their romantic relationship you fall in love with every word and every page that goes on.

Then the author takes the story to an emotional point that breaks your heart in some good way. Also the way she involves a theme as Cancer in a way that makes you double think many things in life. I loved the fact that this story is really deep and you will keep thinking about it for many days to come. For me I can say I will keep this book in a part of my heart.

This book is also the first book in the series. Love in the city is a series that follows a group of friends and their love interest while surviving in the stress of living in New York City. Each and every one of the books can be read as a standalone but you also get insides of the previous and future couples as the series goes on. You really need to start reading this series as soon as you can.


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