Hello!! It’s been a while hasn’t it? Where is this year going?!
Why the hiatus I hear you cry? Well, it’s been a hectic summer for me as wedding season hit – both my sister and best friend decided to get married (not to each other you understand!) and so I’ve been bridesmaiding it up all over the shop!
It’s been manic, lovely, stressful, enjoyable and emotional but as a result books haven’t been my main priority over the last few months. My reading levels have dramatically dropped as I’ve been replacing commuter reading on the train with podcasts and walking in the sunshine. But, just like the dark mornings and cold winter chill, I can assure you that I am back!
I’m trying to find a way back to blogging so bear with me this month – a girl needs to find the words again! – but I am planning a few festive posts so keep your eyes peeled…
In the meantime, as regular TTWers know, I absolutely love the graphic novels by Lucy Knisley and so, to ease me back into this reviewing malarkey, I thought I’d try Knisley’s latest offering – a perfect fit given my recent escapades into the world of “I dos”, wedding cakes and white dresses…
Knisley’s narrative and artwork style is light-hearted, funny and so accessible that I read the entire 304-page book in two days. It’s a memoir, a momento and a memory box of one specific, hectic time in a relationship and Knisley doesn’t hide the experience behind rose-tinted glasses. There are dramas, arguments and frustrations as much as there are heart-warming, romantic and genuinely lovely moments.
For curious singletons and unmarrieds (of which I am one!), this is an amazing insight to the journey down the aisle from the perspective of someone in the thick of it. It feels so personal and yet universal, a balance Knisley is always adept in creating. Her narrative voice is relatable and fun, and the personality injected through both art and voice allows the other to sing.
Something New is more than a play-by-play of a single wedding day. Knisley goes back to describe how her new husband both broke and mended her heart, how he proposed and why they decided to have the wedding they did. It’s a story and a journey and I love that Knisley and her husband allowed their tale to be told. I can’t wait for the next instalment!