What Are Seven Things You Can Do To Realize What You Can Do and Become?

“You are capable of doing and becoming more than you realize. Have faith in your yourself.” -HHonda Designs

Keep this in mind whenever you wonder about the potential that lies inside of you.

The ability doing and becoming more than you realize is inside of you. You have what it takes to do and become more that is presented before you, but I must ask you two questions off top:

  • Do you know and believe that you able to do and become more than you realize?
  • Are you willing to do what it takes to fulfill that realization?

It is important to know and answer these questions because if you do not know, believe, or do what it takes, your realization will remain inside as a possibility.

Today’s inspiration is all about your realization. We will discuss the following:

  • What does it mean for you to realize?
  • What factors can contribute to things going wrong with realizing what you can do and become?
  • What are seven things you can do to realize what you can do and become?

Now that we have the questions, let’s find the answers!

What does it mean for you to realize?

Merriam-Webster defines realize for you…:

  • To understand or become aware of (something).

  • To cause (something) to become real.

  • To achieve (something, such as a goal, dream, etc.).

Simply put, when you realize, you are recognizing and doing what it takes to bring an idea or dream into reality.

What factors can contribute to things going wrong with realizing what you can do and become?

As important as it is to realize your unlimited potential, there are things that can go wrong as you are attempting to get there. There are factors that can contribute to things going wrong with realizing what you can do and become:

  • Sabotage
    • Whether it is done by yourself or someone else, sabotaging your own realization can endanger your own chances at growing and succeeding.
    • This can be done through physical, verbal, mental, and even spiritual methods with the goal of ruining or spoiling a plan that either or someone else does not want to see work.
  • Lack of knowledge and faith.
    • When you do not know or do not believe in what you can do and become, you will remain stuck in the place you are in and never move forward.
    • This can be done by simply you not doing your research, having past negative experiences, and not believing in either the process, yourself, or someone else.
  • Not putting in the work.
    • You cannot expect to realize anything about yourself if you are not willing to do what it takes to make it happen.
    • This can be done by you simply not going all the way in performing the steps needed to see the results you desire.
  • What are seven things you can do to realize what you can do and become?

    It is time for you wake up and understand that it is time for you realize what you can do and become. Tri shares on the Examined Existence website How to Realize and Reach Your True Potential. I will share and give my take on the seven things you can do to realize what you can do and become.

  • Find out what you really want to do in life.
    • You cannot realize if you have no clue as to what you want to do or become in your life.
    • Take the time to research, reflect, and talk to people about the things you want to do so that you can focus more on things that will bring out your passion and desire to succeed.
  • Learn to say “NO”
    • If you cannot say “NO” when you need to, it can lead to you spreading yourself thin and never focusing on what you can do and become.
    • Just say “NO” to the things that distract and diverts attention and focus from what it is you are trying to realize.
  • Know that success is a process, not an event.
    • If you are focusing on the end result only, you will miss out on everyone and everything that is necessary to help you realize what you need in order to be successful.
    • Take the time to understand and appreciate the process so that you develop the good habits necessary to be successful in your realization from start to finish.
  • Harness the power of routine and frequency.
    • When you develop some type of consistency and schedule, you will find that it is easier to manage your time and resources as you are striving to realize your potential.
    • Get into the habit of developing and enacting something that you can do frequently and routinely that will eventually turn into second nature so that you can find the process easier to handle.
  • Analyze your strengths, talents, and weaknesses.
    • Evaluating and acknowledge everything about yourself gives you the chance to focus your energy and time on the things that allows for you to showcase your best qualities to the world.
    • Use feedback from people, self-reflection, and list building to identify these qualities so that you can gain a comprehensive understanding about yourself and seeing how you can use the knowledge to help you realize your potential.
  • Always seek to improve yourself.
    • When you are always looking to improve yourself, you are increasing your chances to realize what you can do and become.
    • Use your feedback and experiences as opportunities to ask questions, research, and gather what you need in order to get better and move closer towards realizing what is that you wan.
  • Do not put off anything.
    • If you are constantly putting off your realizations of tomorrow, you are playing Russian Roulette with your future.
    • Start right now by handling things about your future now so that you are not spending tomorrow wishing about yesterday.
  • I encourage you to take the time to reflect on where you are and what have you realized about yourself up to today. You will find that your life has shown you that you can do and become a lot more at times where you thought you could not do or be what you wanted. Use your life story to inspire you to be the best version of yourself moving forward. Let’s remember that you can realize any and everything that you want to do or be, but if you do not put in the faith and/or works, your goals and dreams will never become realized.

    I have a few questions in which I would love for you to give some thought. Feel free to answer and comment below:

    • What has been the most important thing you have realized about yourself in terms of what you could do and become?
    • How has that realization changed your life?
    • How has that realization helped you with your future goals and dreams?
    • What would you recommend to someone who is trying to realize what they can do and become?

    Your answers and comments can help yourself or someone else understand this important question…

    • What can you do to realize what you can do and become?

    -Michael J. Fite

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