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City Of Darkness And Light (2014)

by Rhys Bowen(Favorite Author)
3.69 of 5 Votes: 4
1250011663 (ISBN13: 9781250011664)
Minotaur Books
Molly Murphy Mysteries
review 1: Not one of her best. In this installment Molly travels to Paris, to get away from the threat of the Italian Mafia on her family, after her home is blown by a bomb. Her friends Gus and Sid are in Paris and offer to provide a safe place for her. Only Molly and her young son Liam arrive to find Gus and Sid missing. and Molly quickly gets caught up in a Parisian murder of an American ex-patriate artist.
review 2: I enjoy reading Rhys Bowen novels and have enjoyed the Molly Murphy series. This began dramatically and drew me in, but much of it was a long and somewhat tedious search in Paris for missing friends and a chance to use all the famous artists of the time period in the search. It was like a long name dropping saga, and I've never really liked name droppi
... moreng. I kept comparing it to Woody Allen's, "Midnight in Paris" movie which was enchanting and more magical -- perhaps because it was visual. But, Bowen needed more than visits to Picasso to enliven this tale. The beginning and end of this novel much exceeded the middle. less
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A cozy mystery that takes place in Paris in the early 20th century.
well written mystery set in Paris during the early 1900's
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