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Hush Now, Don't You Cry (2012)

by Rhys Bowen(Favorite Author)
3.84 of 5 Votes: 4
0312628110 (ISBN13: 9780312628116)
Minotaur Books
Molly Murphy Mysteries
review 1: I was torn between awarding this book three and four stars. Definitely four for the story but three for the ending which came across somewhat abrupt. I've been to Newport several times and am pleased to say Ms. Bowen captured its essence. The mystery was good and I enjoyed most of the characters. I did figure out the whodunnit right about the same time Molly did. All this is why I went with four stars. Satisfactory entry in the series.
review 2: Endearing protagonist buried in overly long prose and a cliched mystery. If you're read even one or two gothic novels like me, you will start to check out the moment Molly arrives at an old mansion and sees the ghostly head of a mysterious child in a window - a child who was killed years before. Every part of the
... moresetup has been done a thousand times before, and there are far too many really great writers in the world for me to suffer mediocre anymore. The dialogue and character-building had a lot of potential so I'm mildly interested in checking out Ms. Bowen's Spy series which she's best known for - but I checked out of this book a 100 or so pages in (so far, almost nothing had happened, by the by). less
Reviews (see all)
Another interesting read. I love the period information as well as the murder plot.
Not one of her best Molly Murphy mysteries. The ending was way too predictable.
Marriage doesn't slow down Molly. Yet another wonderful Molly Murphy mystery!
This was a good book in the series, better than some other recent ones.
good- entertaining!
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