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Uncanny Avengers, Vol. 1: The Red Shadow (2013)

by Rick Remender(Favorite Author)
3.88 of 5 Votes: 4
0785168443 (ISBN13: 9780785168447)
review 1: Despite the negative reviews, I really liked this story. I am a big House of M fan and have wanted to see Wanda brought into continuity for a long time. The blend of X-Men and Avengers is a good plan considering Wanda always was a mutant Avenger. Pietro could've made an appearance, but oh well.Havok is an interesting choice for leadership. He has always seemed like an unmined character in the Marvel Universe. Combining ex- Brotherhood of Evil Mutant characters was a nice touch.The Red Skull is a good choice for a major baddie and the brief intro of Kang sounds like the writers are serious about the Avengers aspect of the title. I like the way the series impacts continuity in the regular Uncanny titles as well.The artwork is solid and well done. Bringing in Avengers heavie... mores like Cap and Thor definitely make this feel like a main Avengers title. And yes, Wolverine has been in every group imaginable.Overall I rate it 4.5
review 2: Uncanny Avengers did not come highly recommended to me, and I'll admit that when Marvel NOW! started, I read the first issue of this and did not like it very much. After reading this full Volume though, I can see why it had to start that way. Overall, the plot revolves around the formation of a new "Avengers" team consisting of both humans and mutants, in a effort to sway public opinion after the events of Avengers vs. X-Men. Ultimately they work it all out, but not without a visit from an "enhanced" Red Skull, who uses his new "powers" to turn them against each other and turn human spectators against them as well. It all works out in the end, but I can't wait to see how Red Skull will factor in this "new universe".Sets up the next Volume nicely, and the speech Havok gives near the end will go down in history as great speeches of the Marvel Universe.Recommend. less
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I really enjoyed this Volume. I look forward to reading Volume 2. :D
Cassaday no falla y la historia no está mal ;)
Hmmm. Not exactly Uncanny X-Force.
i loved it
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