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Juniorin Erikoinen Elämä (2009)

by Ron Currie Jr.(Favorite Author)
4.02 of 5 Votes: 2
9525635937 (ISBN13: 9789525635935)
review 1: Wildly imaginative. It's hard to describe, and I'm still not certain whether it would be considered science fiction or not, but in the end, it's about relationships and how to live your life in a way that matters. The protagonist is born with the knowledge of when the world will end, a knowledge that is unique to him alone, and what he does with his life, having that knowledge is what this book is about.
review 2: I really enjoyed everything matters because of the different writing style and the dynamic the author created because of this. I liked seeing the back stories behind every character told from their point of view and how it swaps between characters and what they are experiencing told by them. it took a few pages to get used to the back and forth but
... moreeasy to catch on. The story itself was very interesting and realistic in a way that it could be easy to relate to some of the characters. the story is told over a matter of years, watching 2 brothers grow up basically. overall this novel was an easy read, it kept me engaged and i would like to read more from this author in the future. less
Reviews (see all)
Fantastic. Brilliant writing and very accessible. The perfect but rare combination.
What a refreshing change, I enjoyed the journey on this one.
This book blew me away. I cried.
I liked it.
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