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Maya Makes A Mess: Toon Books Level 2 (2012)

by Rutu Modan(Favorite Author)
3.54 of 5 Votes: 1
1935179179 (ISBN13: 9781935179177)
Toon Books
review 1: This is really an easy comic book, not a graphic novel, but I've already tagged so many other easy comics as graphic novels so the tag is staying. I read this because I really enjoyed Exit Wounds (which is written for an adult audience). This was a comic book for beginning readers about table manners. I enjoyed the hypothetical situation. I almost wish it would have been longer, but next time I have a teacher collection about nutrition/eating, I'm totally putting it in. (It doesn't really cover nutrition, but could have some good tie-ins, or be a fun book that relates to eating).
review 2: Rutu Modan brings her Eisner Award-winning talents to emerging readers in the Toon graphic novel Maya Makes a Mess. Maya's parents don't like her messy table manners, so what
... more will the queen think? Well, it turns out the queen is willing to allowances for a guest, and declares the evening one of messy manners. The result is ridiculous and hysterical, perfect for messy eaters or those who are forbidden to have their own fun at the table. less
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3 1/2 stars. Fun story about Maya and her lack of table manners - and a look at what's important.
Very cute early graphic novel, with bright illustrations and a fun premise.
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