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Colorado Wild (2013)

by Sara York(Favorite Author)
3.68 of 5 Votes: 3
1492388645 (ISBN13: 9781492388647)
Sara York
Colorado Heart
review 1: For men that are supposed to be the very best of the best ex-military there did not seem to be an Alpha in the house. I seriously expected some super-hot, Alpha, killer cowboys. They did not seem to be ex-military or even cowboys. I struggled a bit with this and just don’t know what I think. My rating keeps wavering. The behavior and descriptions of the men really let me down, they were very sensitive, emotional and timid, not at all what I thought they would be. Then there was the multiple POV’s, the multiple stories and some of the dialogue just didn’t make much sense. Just know, I didn’t hate it, I am interested in where it will go and will read the next one, there was just soooo much going on but then not enough of one thing going on.
review 2: What
... more a wonderful new lusty series with secret military cowboys who help keep the world safe. These terrific men do anything against terrorism, human slavery or any other crime that other agencies can't take care of. Once again Sara York has given us characters to cheer on and fall in love with. The relationship between Billy and Tucker in this installment was filled with the feelings of new beginnings of love. This story also introduced us to the main characters to be featured in the series. This is going to be one hot and exciting ride. As always I HIGHLY recommend this book! less
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3.5 stars. Good start to this series. Looking forward to reading the next book.
3.5 rounded up.
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