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M Come Master (2000)

by Sarah Mlynowski(Favorite Author)
3.16 of 5 Votes: 3
review 1: This was such a fun and entertaining story. This is very short, but packs a lot in to those few pages. It starts with two friends on a cruise ship, Liz and Kristin couldn't be more different. Kristin is just your average girl, and a little on the shy side. Liz on the other hand is totally hot, totally confident, and very outgoing. Kristin is determined to "do it" on this 3 day cruise, she just needs to find the right guy. All the talk of vampires on cruise ships and people disappearing ends up being an underlying fear and a joke throughout the cruise. As the end of the cruise nears, we are getting closer to believing this vampire rumor, it's just a matter of figuring out who the vampire or vampires are. I was so entertained by this short mystery. If you are looking for a s... moreuper quick, fun, mindless read, pick this one up.
review 2: As I was reading this short story, I kept thinking, "Oh, this is going to be so predictable."I was SO wrong about that!Kristin and her friend, Liz, are on a cruise that was gifted to them from their parents after graduation. Time alone on a cruise to nowhere (seriously, this ship just cruises around the ocean, no stops!), they're on the prowl for cute boys. Especially Kristin, who thinks it's time to finally "take the next step" in her life. And her and her friend think that having a one-time-stand with a stranger is the way to go.But as soon as they're set to go scope out the pools, they run into a girl who tells them about the mysterious disappearances that have been happening on cruise's lately... the one where passengers are disappearing and these disappearances are rumored to be because of vampires. Do vampires really exist?Oh my, the humor! The silliness! These girls!So much fun!So NOT predictable at all!The ending!!!What a twist!!!Did not see that coming!!!I really wish that this story wasn't so short - I would have liked an extra chapter or two just to get to know the main characters a bit better - it truly felt rushed.I highly recommend this as a go to read to help you get out of a reading slump, to get over an emotional read or a bumper for in-between long reads! It won't disappoint! less
Reviews (see all)
A very traditional bait and switch story, fun and short. Not bad, not exceptional.
I didn't see the twist coming! Good, fun, and cute short story!
This was cute, funny & has a great twist I didn't see coming!
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