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Linchpin: Are You Indispensable? (2010)

by Seth Godin(Favorite Author)
3.88 of 5 Votes: 4
1591843162 (ISBN13: 9781591843160)
Portfolio Hardcover
review 1: Ten sentences into the introduction Godin repeats an urban myth about Einstein. It takes a few of his sound bite contrived chapters before he reveals "we've been taught to fit in." This is not news. Hasn't been for a long time, but then we've been home educating since 1993, so maybe it's just the books we've been reading. The industrialists of he early 20th century wanted schools that could churn out mindless, compliant factory workers. And they got them. Instead of saying something useful, Godin fills his nonsense book of cliche after cliche with brilliance like "“The only way to win is to race to the top.” He does nail what kids are taught in schools today ("Follow instructions", "use #2 pencils", more), but his list isn't original, nor all that eye opening. (See pr... moreevious paragraph.)And yet, people buy into his crap! Look at the number of five star ratings on Amazon. Scratching my head over that. The good thing is that it was short. And rather mindless reading.
review 2: GREAT book. Godin argues that if any job can be broken up into small enough pieces, then each sub-job can in turn be outsourced to the lowest bidder. As a result, *any* job is in danger of being replaced. The solution? Become indispensable. Do emotional work. Understand the true gift economy. Step outside of commoditization become an artist. Identify your superpowers. A reminder that product managers should be true linchpins in their organizations!! less
Reviews (see all)
The perennial question - how do you manage yourself - and Seth's thoughts. A must read!
I like Seth Godin's stuff, but the terms he uses and coins are a bit grating.
advice is true and works almost too well for me. but book can be repetitive.
Very good book! But, a bit repetitive.
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