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Go Fetch! (2007)

by Shelly Laurenston(Favorite Author)
4.25 of 5 Votes: 2
1599981416 (ISBN13: 9781599981413)
Samhain Publishing
Magnus Pack
review 1: Yup I'm a lil bit addicted to were erotic novel right now.Thus moving on to a next one directly. I thought Conall was sweet with the fetching and all, but not as badass as he gives his wolf credit for. The love scenes were not agressive (unlike Pack challenge)at all. I would have liked it a bit more if he wasn't described as such a badass in the beginning, but rather as the sweet nice guy he was though out the novel. Ok, he was still a lil badass, but just not as much as I expected...Because it made me wonder when that over the top badass wolf was going to get unleashed.Miki was sweet though, the action was quite cool :)
review 2: Buku yg kelihatannya hanya sy yg tdk suka.. well, sbnrx bukanx tdk suka dgn buku ini, hanya tdk terlalu suka sj :Dada beberapa bag
... moreian dlm buku ini yg sy sangat tdk suka, dan sprtix bagian2 itulah yg menjadi faktor utama sy ngasih buku ini rating di bwh bintang 3..bercerita mengenai miki yg manusia biasa dengan conall si werewolf-viking. sejak pertama bertemu, mereka sdh saling tertarik satu sama lain. tp mereka baru bnr2 dkt saat miki prgi ke wilayah magnus pack (pack yg ada conall di dlmx).mereka tinggal bersama di rumah zach dan sarah sampai masalah penyerangan terhadap miki terjadi dan conall yg menjadi penjagax miki. ketika miki hrs prgi ke kota lain, conall pun ikut dgn miki dan di situlah mereka menjadi semakin dekat.stlh itu miki hamil, dan slh satu bagian yg paling sy tdk suka adlh ketika miki mengatakan syarat2x kepada conall, bahwa dia tdk ingin berurusan dgn anakx sampai anakx berumur 16 thn, dsb.. i just don't like it less
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Loved it. One of my go-to books when I want something light and fun.
cute book. Good characters as always. fun read.
miki & conall
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