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Entrissen (2009)

by Tania Carver(Favorite Author)
3.84 of 5 Votes: 2
3471350349 (ISBN13: 9783471350348)
Brennan & Esposito
review 1: muhtesem bir kitap formullerin ise yaradigi bir kitap devamini okumak istedigim kitap delicesine asik oldugum phil karakteri ve marinayi da yavasca sevdim ama phil en basindan beri en enfesiydi hicbir farki yoktu diger insanlardan kendi icindeki mucadeleleriyle begendim onu marina da oyle sucluluk duygusuyla guvende hissetme arzusuyla basa cikamamasi tam bu dunyaya ait bir insan oldugunun gostergesi abarti yok sadece gercekler var kitapta ki cinayetler ise once okumaya korktugum cinstendi yavasca alistim cunku cook korkunctu ama en korkuncu yazarin bize katilleri de anlatmasiydi sophienin de hester in da ve o pis babanin onlara yaptiklarinib oykusu de yaptiklarini degistirebilir mi yasadiklari hayir ama nasil bu hale geldikleri anlatilabilir kisilik bozuklugu ve cift kisil... moreigi olabilecegini dusundugumuz hester ve sonra olaylarin gercek yuzunu ogrenmek ve zavalli clayton :( allahtan rahmet sevdiklerine sabir uber uzuldugum soylenemez ki bunu bitirmeden once merry gentry 9 da sholto acisi cektim yani ben :( favorilerime ekliyorum bu kitabi
review 2: While the book is well-written and really reads at a brisk pace, I had some issues with it. Mainly, I did not like the character of Marina Esposito. Wah-wah-wah, bad stuff happens to poor Marina. And her policeman-boyfriend wasn't "there" for her when she needed to be (even though he had a totally legit excuse and tried to call her a million times to let her know. It's his fault, and she'll never forget it. Except she will, because she loves him! Maybe. She needs time, but not the kind of time where it's okay if he's working and something bad happens again. Whatever, Marina. I found that aspect of her personality so irritating, I had a hard time getting over it. That said, I did like Phil, and Anni, and even Clayton was engaging in his way. I REALLY appreciated the sympathy that Carver builds for the villain--I wish the scene between the villain and Anni had been fleshed out more, as well as the aftermath. That was so interesting, and I could have read pages more. Alas, it was over & the novel tied up (a bit too) neatly. Still, what I liked outweighs what I didn't. I may read the next to see if I enjoy it. But Marina better grow a pair, or it's the last chance she'll get from me. less
Reviews (see all)
i loved this book! it had me gripped throughout, and the ending OMG, was a twist i wasnt expecting
first book read of hers, enjoyed it now on to second book
So far I haven't been able to put this book down!!
Really kept me going til the end.
This was a good crime novel.
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