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Water Walker - Episode 1 (2014)

by Ted Dekker(Favorite Author)
4.13 of 5 Votes: 5
Outlaw Studios
Water Walker
review 1: The story of a young amnesia sufferer, Alice/Eden, who is kidnapped and abused by her birth mother for five years. What makes the offence different (or maybe it's more common than we think?), is that it is justified using God's name. This reminded me of the movie, Twelve Years a Slave. Eden's mother, Catherine/Kathryn, follows the instruction of a man, Zeke, whom they call the Apostle, down to the tee. He manipulates her to believe that she is doing the will of God. Every ritual she enforces on Eden is to please him, but in her mind, she is pleasing God. At first the abuse is mostly mental, but once, it becomes physical. As a reader I empathised with Eden throughout the book. Both her and her mother are slaves of circumstance. There are bursts of suspense, for example when... more Eden tries to run away. These chapters really had me at the edge of my seat. The end is unexpected but apt. Sceptics may find it annoying. My only criticism is that Eden, even as a 13-year-old girl, 'sounds' very mature (her vocabulary). Then again, we are reminded throughout the book that she is a very special girl. Overall, I enjoyed the book.
review 2: I'm not a huge fan of the episode-style release of books, especially when the arc of the episode is only upward. In other words, this is simply the first quarter of the larger book. The final 10% of this episode begins to pick up and assures me this story will be worthy to carry the Dekker name.That said, I am a huge fan of Ted Dekker. As such, I'm certain that, once I finish the other three episodes, I will change my rating from 4-star to 5-star. In fact, I intend to read the remaining three episodes within the complete book version, which is now available. less
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Oh my goodness...A television episode in a novel. I want more...Book 2...yes, please. :-)
Pretty good. Really looking forward to reading episode two sometime soon! :D
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