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Walking With God Through Pain And Suffering (2013)

by Timothy Keller(Favorite Author)
4.51 of 5 Votes: 3
0525952454 (ISBN13: 9780525952459)
Dutton Adult
review 1: Today is my birthday and this has been a pretty bad year for me. Through the course of this very bad year I have read many books on suffering some have been a very raw sharing of emotion. That is fine and sometimes helpful but this book by Tim Keller is ever so much more than that. I can't imagine a better book on the subject. It has echoed so many lessons I have been learning and gave me courage to truly trust God completely in the midst of pain. It walks the Christian through all the stages of grief and suffering and leaves us finally at my favorite destination-the ordering of our affections towards God. This has been a very bad year. I would not want to live it again and I am glad that on my last birthday I did not know what was ahead;I would not have had the courage to... more walk the path. But now I can truly say that while I do not embrace suffering I do count it all joy and that the Gospel has held firm. God is bigger than I knew and all is well. My troubles are still present. I still cry more than I thought possible but I am not suffering as those who are without hope. I have a huge hope. This is a 5 star book for the Christian facing unexpected suffering.
review 2: Timothy Keller approaches pain and suffering in a well-rounded and insightful way. There is no denying, no side-stepping, no victimizing. He allows one the space to yell and cry and blame and heal and be completely honest with God and themselves. He understands the complex facets of what it means to be a human and a Christian at the same time which can feel rather incompatible within the Christian culture. less
Reviews (see all)
Classic Keller - culturally engaged, thoroughly biblical, and pastorally sensitive.
The best book out there on the subject. Just read it.
Likely the most helpful book on suffering I've read.
Need to re-read to understand better.
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