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The Accidental Creative: How To Be Brilliant At A Moment's Notice (2011)

by Todd Henry(Favorite Author)
3.95 of 5 Votes: 4
1591844010 (ISBN13: 9781591844013)
Portfolio Hardcover
review 1: Great book and has a lot of helpful tips about how to own your creativity and not force it. To really understand and take in what the author is discussing you have to take your time with reading this book. Once you finish it and process all of it's greatness, you'll think differently about your creative process and doubt and fears. I think this is one of those books you reread to remind yourself you're not alone in being afraid of your creative abilities and thinking that you've run out of creative ideas. Plus we all need a remind to stop sitting back and waiting for our creative ideas instead of setting up our lives so we can constantly flow with creativity.
review 2: More like 2.5 stars, but I'll give this book some credit for giving me enough things to think
... more about that I did a lot of highlighting on my Kindle. Even though my industry is software for community banks (something where the word "creative" would not immediately come to mind like it would for advertising or novel-writing), I often have to problem-solve, and sometimes quickly. This book offered some good tips for focusing and identifying problems in projects especially when they require "of of box" thinking. There were some parts that where I found myself flipping pages quickly (hence the 3 stars) and in the very beginning the author gave kudos to some amazing creatives in their industry - which were all men (hence almost two stars - WHAT - you don't know ANY women? need to expand your horizons). But I liked it, fast read, with some new ideas. less
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I liked it. It was mostly about adding structure to an artists/ idea creator's life.
Helpful insight into the creative process.
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