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Glorious Ruin: How Suffering Sets You Free (2012)

by Tullian Tchividjian(Favorite Author)
4.22 of 5 Votes: 4
1434704025 (ISBN13: 9781434704023)
David C. Cook
review 1: Wow. Just "wow". I've read other books on suffering, but this is the first time that I've wanted to start one of them over again as soon as I had finished it. In part, this is likely because I just really need the message of this book right now. But in another way, since the book is about soaking up the truth of the gospel into our pain-frequented lives, I think it is a message that is always needed, because nothing is more crucial than the gospel taking over our hearts and minds.Some good quotes:"If you don't go to your grave confused, you don't go to your grave trusting"."Christianity is not first and foremost about our behavior, our obedience, our response, and our daily victory over sin. It is first and foremost about Jesus! It is about His person; His substitution... moreary work; His incarnation, life, death, resurrection, ascension, and promised return.""This side of the pearly gates, you and I can be relied upon to forget the goodness of the gospel. Like factories, our hearts, to praraphrase John Calvin, will never cease to produce new idols. Our only hope lies in hearing the crushing word of the Law and the absolving word of the gospel every day. Every minute!""Legalism doesn't make people 'better'; it makes them worse. Moralism doesn't produce morality; it produces immorality. We make a terrible mistake when we believe that the answer to poor performance, be it moral, spiritual, or relational, is more law. People get worse, not better, when you lay down the law.""People minister out of their own suffering, not despite it". "Fortunately, the good news of the gospel is not an admonition to hang on to God with all your strength and willpower and you’ll be okay. The good news of the gospel is not some gnostic encouragement to view your suffering in the right way, or understand the theology of the cross more deeply. No, the good news is that God is hanging on to you. He’s not waiting for you to save yourself or mature into someone who no longer needs Him. He will not let you go, come what may. Jesus will never, ever leave you or forsake you. Nothing you can do or not do can separate you from the love of Christ."
review 2: A quick, recommended read about a more biblically accurate way to approach our suffering. In a world where "Oprahization" has created a compelling narrative that our suffering has a higher meaning for self-fulfillment and self-actualization, Tchividjian sets the record straight: Putting our trust in God's explanation is not at all the same thing as putting our faith in God Himself! Tchividjian uses helpful resources, both past (Puritans) and present (Scotty Smith), to guide our faith journey through paths of suffering toward a deeper worship of God, understanding of Jesus' work on the cross, and God-glorifying eternal perspective. less
Reviews (see all)
Not a good read for me. I found it to be quite shallow, when it came to the subject of suffering.
One of the best books I've read in a very long time.
Loved this book!
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