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In The Afterlight (2014)

by Alexandra Bracken(Favorite Author)
3.51 of 5 Votes: 8
1423157524 (ISBN13: 9781423157526)
The Darkest Minds
review 1: Where do I even begin!? Ok so for starter I want to state that I want to absolutely HATE thins book and at the same moment I want to LOVE this book. The reason I want to hate this book is because Cole dies. I mean, seriously, he was ok of my favorite characters. I was screaming in my head "Don't listen to Clancy! He's lying like he always is!!" Problem with this thought is that Clancy was also one of my favorite characters. Why do I always like the characters who aren't the main characters, who almost always survive, unless it's Divergent or the Fault in Our Stars (I just know this because of my friends). When I first got the book I skimmed through it and I saw the words "Stewart is dead" and then the words "Liam or Cole". A war was raging in my head! I was like "Oh my gos... moreh! Cole better not die! Oh but Liam needs to live too so he can be with Ruby." Another bad thing about this thought is that a small part of me wanted Cole to end up with Ruby. I didn't want Liam to die or anything but... Anyway, the ending was decent. I can't say I liked it or disliked it. I like ending that live a little wiggle room for the reader to interpret how it ends but also a kind of outline/guideline for the reader. It was so sad what happened to Clancy! He did not necessarily deserve the treatment to get cured of this abilities. Ok so I agree what they are doing to the children is wrong but I don't think having those abilities is a curse. I agree with Clancy and say they are a gift. I also think that the "cure" was not very cure like. I wouldn't have taken it in a heartbeat (At lease I don't think I would have).
review 2: So, to be honest, I wasn't expecting much from this book, just a nice solid ending. The series up until that point was just a little better than okay; enough for me to continue reading it and consider recommending it to a friend, but not enough for me to go out and buy the entire series for my collection. I went into this book hoping it would improve a little upon the first and second book (rated 4 and 3 stars, respectively) and I SHOULD HAVE BEEN PREPARED BECAUSE I WAS BLOWN AWAY. As with the other books, it is a little slow to start and at times seems a little dull. The main character can be a bit too passive for my taste (which allows for her to be caught in conflicts that could have been avoided had she spoken up or acted) though this actually makes the book more tense and interesting. Some things don't seem to add up through the book and Ruby, the main character, has declined significantly in her mental state, often forgetful, sleepwalking constantly, not paying attention, and having vivid nightmares/flashbacks/hallucinations. Then -- out of nowhere -- the BIGGEST PLOT TWIST IN THE HISTORY OF THE WORLD. Read this book for the plot twist, if nothing else. It was well-executed and unexpected. Also, this book had a satisfactory ending and there were lots of feels with fights, tension, and some *spoilers* deaths of rather major characters. Overall, amazing and really changed my opinion of the series for the better. Considering buying the whole series for the third book (because you can't ONLY have the third book). less
Reviews (see all)
I loved this book so much!! After all they have been through it was the perfect ending!!
Jesus Christ. I cannot say anything else than that I FREAKING ADORE THIS SERIES!!!!
Phenomenal conclusion to the series.
Thank God, a happy ending.
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