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Seven Nights In A Rogue's Bed (2012)

by Anna Campbell(Favorite Author)
3.89 of 5 Votes: 4
1455512079 (ISBN13: 9781455512072)
Sons of Sin
review 1: This book started out exasperatingly boring. Well, more on the annoying side. The only saving grace of the first half is the disfigured hero, at least that is interesting. It got better in the latter half because at least something happened other than Sidonie being a shrew and Jonas trying to seduce her. Anyways, the story revolves around Sidonie and Jonas. Sidonie gave herself up in exchange for her sister's gambling debt to Jonas, who agreed to fuck her in place of the debt as a revenge to his psychopathic cousin. His cousin carved his face when he was young justifying his actions as marking a bastard. Jonas, understandably holds a lot of animosity towards his cousin since Jonas was raised to be the heir but was branded a bastard when his parent's marriage was considered... more illegal. Sidonie went in her sister's place, which rendered Jonas' revenge plan as useless. However, he was attracted to Sidonie so he wasn't too broken up about it. Sidonie was expecting to lose her virginity on the first night but he didn't want an unwilling partner. He left her alone and she readied to go home expecting the debt to be fully paid. They talked circles around each other and agreed on a seven night seduction. They grew closer to each other and soon, their arrangement wasn't so simple. Hearts got involved. They separated with him proposing marriage and she promising she will give an answer in a week. She went back to London where her sister was packing. She lost a lot of money gambling again and her husband came home. He was about to beat the sisters when Jonas came in to the rescue. A fight broke out and ended. However, the sister pushed the husband down the stairs after he threatened to lock her up in a mental hospital. They came up with stories to make it look like an accident or a suicide. However, the very public animosity between the cousins cast suspicion on Jonas. He was arrested and Sidonie came to his two friends for help. She saw Jonas and gave him the proof of the marriage, thus, making him legitimate. However, this implicated Sidonie in hiding this fact from him, which caused a fight. Jonas was jealous that Sidonie cared more about her sister. Sidonie felt guilty that she perpetuated her bastardry and wasn't telling him despite knowing how much it hurt him. Three months pass without talking to each other and the sister told him that she was pregnant. They marry but he planned on marrying in name only. She wanted to give the marriage a shot but he was reluctant. Despite loving each other, he was wary . He finally got over it and they became parents to a baby girl. I thought the first half and the ending was exasperating. Sidonie was berating him for being a scoundrel and wanting her body when she knew what she was getting into. She knew she was going to give her body in exchange for her sister's debts. What did she expect? I think what is galling is she had the temerity to call the debt off after she did nothing to erase it. I don't know what kind of stupid reasoning she was spinning around but I couldn't follow it. Lucky for her, Jonas was a bit honorable and at least wanted her consent. Unlucky for her, Jonas was a bit melodramatic at the end. Why not give marriage a try. He knew her reasons. Yeah, she was a pretty crappy person but it was reasonable. She knew him for only a week and he already expected trust and devotion. Please. The second half had at least something going on. Their relationship developed and she outgrew her prudish ways. He was shown to not be an out and out scoundrel. I think my main problem with the book is the disjointed characters. I felt as if I was reading two versions of Sidonie and Jonas. Sidonie starts out shrewish with illogical arguments but in the latter half, she has a good head on her shoulders and knew what to do. Jonas, on the other hand, was supposed to be beastly but he was pretty respectful of Sidonie all things considering. I just don't get the capacity for hatred that he supposedly harbors when he spends the rest of the book acting vulnerable and a white knight.
review 2: After struggling through 2 hours (out of a total of 12) of this audiobook I finally gave up on it ever developing anything more than the barest outlines of a plot. The book has a premise - Sidonie comes to spend 7 nights with a scoundrel in order to save her sister's life - and it is referred to time and time again. We slowly get more details about this situation, but it still just feels thrown together in order to provide a pretext for a lot of sexual tension with no buildup at all. What bothered me enough to cause me to give up on this book is that the characters do not stay true to what little we know about them even in the first 6th of the book. Sidonie is a virgin who is determined to do whatever it takes to save her sister, and she shudders to even think about sleeping with Jonas. But she alternates between doing truly nonsensical things (like deciding to leave the next morning and acting like she has met her end of the deal) and falling into Jonas' arms far too quickly (after only spending a couple of hours total with him!). And his reactions to her aren't any better. He's supposed to be a hardened scoundrel and yet he allows her to negotiate the terms of the arrangement with him from the very beginning - reducing them down to almost nothing. The scoundrel with the heart-of-gold theme is fine, but I would have liked to have seen it developed a lot more than this. less
Reviews (see all)
Absolutely loved this, I was a giant ball of emotion towards the end.
I've read it a second time since I got it.
Hehe that was fun and just what I needed!
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