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Place Called Armageddon: Constantinople 1453 (2011)

by C.C. Humphreys(Favorite Author)
3.76 of 5 Votes: 2
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review 1: Humphreys makes alive a pivotal date in history, the date of Constantinople's conquest by Muslims. He tells the story through the eyes of two rival brothers, the woman they both love but one marries, Mehmet the Muslim conquerer, and other key players including the Emporer Constantine. The story is further complicated by Leilah, a mystic, assassin, and sorcerer. It is a graphic tale of attack and repulsion, privation and despair until after 53 days of seige using horrific guns and overwhelming force the walls are breached. The city falls and is pillaged.The research, I'm sure, is impeccable. The descriptions of the seige quite amazing. But the problem for me was, despite quality of writing, many passages were too long and complicated.
review 2: This was a great
... moreread! There were some issues I had with the book, but on a whole it's a great historical read on the fall of Constantinople. Even though it is a work of fiction, some of the characters are based on real life warriors that fought at the battle and that I really enjoyed knowing. The author gives background on these characters at the end of the book. There were a couple of times the f-word was used and I don't think the people of 1453 would have known what that word was. It made the book seem off from the historical stand point. I felt that could have been left out. The battle scenes were not so drawn out that you were wishing they were over, but not so short that it left you wondering how it could happen so fast. less
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my kind of read. love, history, & action. good guys are vindicated & bad guys get their comeuppance.
Long. To much social and not enough action
Really enjoyed it.
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