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Afterparty (2014)

by Daryl Gregory(Favorite Author)
3.7 of 5 Votes: 2
0765336928 (ISBN13: 9780765336927)
Tor Books
review 1: This was an fast read and an interesting take on the future with the ability to make any designer drug on your 3D printer available to anyone with a miniscule chemistry background. The characters were very well-developed with cool quirks, indepth background histories and storylines nicely-integrated with the other characters. It kept me guessing all the way to the end with every new reveal adding coolness to the story. I like this author a lot and will have to go find his other books, the first one: Pandemonium, and the second one: The Devil's Alphabet (nominated for the Philip K. Dick Award and named one of the best books of 2009 by Publisher's Weekly).
review 2: Excellent book!! I really enjoyed it! It's a fast paced quirky sci-fi with some great lines (I wi
... moresh I could remember some now, I'll insert them later if I'm motivated.) I'm loving sci-fi set in the not-too-distant future...a recognizable world, but upgraded technology and some questionable moralities. If you've ever joked around about "better living through chemistry" this book will intrigue you!! Really loved it, especially because it randomly arrived in the mail as a personally autographed gift to me!! (please remember my my star rankings, I'm very parsimonious with my stars: 1 star=horrible and I'm bummed I can't give negative stars, 2 stars=it was ok, I deigned to finish it so at least it was readable, 3 stars=excellent, would recommend, 4 stars=surpasses excellent, a sublime, deep and though provoking book with delightful writing, I will probably rave about, 5=unparalleled masterpieces such as Lord of the Rings, War and Peace, The Border Trilogy, Crime and Punishment, 100 Years of Solitude, The Moors Last Sigh, Dune. ) less
Reviews (see all)
Someone creates a drug to activate the supposed god-center in the brain, with mixed results.
A solid book. A steller cast. A well-thought plot. A fascinating read.
Absolutely brilliant.
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