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Wool Omnibus Edition (2012)

by Hugh Howey(Favorite Author)
4.26 of 5 Votes: 1
Broad Reach Publishing
review 1: I stepped outside my genre to read this and I'm glad I did. At first it seemed to bear too much similarity to The Matrix, but by the third section (Casting Off) it was its own story. The first two sections could have been more tightly edited, as Jahns and Marnes did not seem that connected to the events of the last two-thirds, and the writing is a bit ponderous. But once the new sheriff arrives in town she redeems the whole book. Both pace and writing gain steam. I liked the shades of gray in the characters; the reader comes to see that even bad guy Bernard has his reasons for acting as the master manipulator. Ending was excellent with multiple twists I didn't seem coming.
review 2: This is an excellent post-apocalyptic book that grabbed my attention early on
... more. The story is fresh with great character development and very suspenseful. Twists and turns everywhere. Basically the story of a PA civilization living in a silo that is buried 100+ floors below the surface. Story starts off a few hundred years after whatever destroyed the world. I loved this novel but find the title and the way it was packaged quite confusing. First of all, the name is ridiculous. I can't make any connection to "wool" in this book. And then the fact that there were five (5) installments of Wool (making this the Omnibus edition) with individual installments with different titles still available, well that just made me crazy. Did I have the right book? Was I missing any? Then two more sequels came out after the Wool series (Shift and Dust) and they ALSO had multiple "installments". Crazy. So for anyone trying to figure it out:Wool Omnibus (Silo #1) contains the original five mini-novels for the Wool Series.Shift Omnibus (Silo #2) contains the three mini-novels for the Shift OmnibusDust (Silo #3) contains the final novel for the Wool series. less
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The first section (Wool 1) was not the best writing I've ever read, but the actual story itself ended on a pretty interesting note, so I thought maybe if I kept with the book, it would get going. Instead, I had to abandon the book shortly after. The writing just isn't very good and I couldn't feel for the characters or their annoying romance at all. Hate bailing on a book but it wasn't worth my time >:[
The first section (Wool 1) was not the best writing I've ever read, but the actual story itself ended on a pretty interesting note, so I thought maybe if I kept with the book, it would get going. Instead, I had to abandon the book shortly after. The writing just isn't very good and I couldn't feel for the characters or their annoying romance at all. Hate bailing on a book but it wasn't worth my time >:[
ELEVATORS, people! You need ELEVATORS!
Wonderful stuff!
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