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Scandal Wears Satin (2012)

by Loretta Chase(Favorite Author)
3.85 of 5 Votes: 5
0062100319 (ISBN13: 9780062100313)
The Dressmakers
review 1: I read this a while back and while I don't typically read historical smut since my youth (think I got burned out), I was in the mood for a little smuttier historical romance than my beloved Georgette Heyer. I listed to the audio version and it was great. I was sick (that's when I end up listening to audio books as opposed to reading) and was not in the mood to think but be entertained. This book fit the bill perfectly.Can't really remember details but I do remember listening to the first one- loving it, grabbing this one and the third- one right after the other.I also loved the attention to the historical costume (always been fascinated by historical drama's and even took a historical costuming course in college- NERD alert!) so that was a nice added b... moreonus.
review 2: De aceasta data nu am fost asa de impresionata,si tin sa mentionez ca primul volum este net superior.Chair daca aceasta carte a fost scrisa in acelasi regisrtu ca precedentul volum ,nu a mai fost asa de captivant si amuzant ,iar poveste de dragoste parca a fost in plan secund.Nu tu romantism,sau suspans,parca toata poveste a fost lipsita de momentele haioase pe care le-am intalnit in familia Noirot.Cu toate ca protagonistele sunt croitorese de lux si era de asteptat ca toate creatiile lot sa fie puse in valoare,cred ca am avut parte de prea multe rochii in aceasta carte.Pacat pentru ca astfel autoarea a scapat astfel din vedere aspecte importante atunci cand a facut descrierea personajelor.Nu spun ca hainele nu sunt importante,dar cred ca trasarurile si caracterele lor ar fi trebuit sa fie puse mai mult in valoare. less
Reviews (see all)
And I was doing so well on my classics streak.
Could not get into book. Never finished.
Loved the hero. More of him please.
2.5 stars.. a little boring.
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