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The Sea Sisters (2013)

by Lucy Clarke(Favorite Author)
3.93 of 5 Votes: 3
0007481349 (ISBN13: 9780007481347)
review 1: J'ai lu ce roman d'une traite, tant j'étais emportée par le récit des deux sœurs, dont la relation chaotique m'a émue aux larmes. On suit deux parcours magnifiques et bouleversants, racontés en parallèle par Mia et Katie, qui vont puiser aux sources de la famille et révéler tant de mystères autour. C'est poignant, mais captivant ! Et c'est l'évasion assurée (paysages somptueux, contrées lointaines, paradisiaques et dépaysantes) ! Ne vous fiez surtout pas à cette couverture nunuche, l'intérieur est de toute beauté. C'est aussi le compagnon idéal de vos vacances, n'hésitez pas ! ♥
review 2: Once in a while, you find a book that makes you stop for a second, take a deep breath, and think. It's been a long time since I've read a book with charac
... moreters that grabbed me as much as Katie and Mia. Two completely different people with an amazing relationship. The personalities of Mia and Katie reminded me a lot of myself and my younger sister, which made the book even more intense. On multiple occasions I found myself saying "what would I do for my sister" or "how far would I go to find the truth". I enjoy books with strong character development and passionate emotions, both of which I found in this book. With that being said, what really captivated me, was the beautiful and elegant way Lucy Clarke described the various settings in the novel. I could clearly picture every exotic place. If you like mystery, drama, romance, or thriller, you should give this book a shot! A glorious story of discovery. less
Reviews (see all)
Amazing! A must read, esp. to those of us prone to wander lust. I couldn't put this book down!
Just average, enjoyed the read, but didn't love it
a good start but sadly becomes a bit predictable
Could not put it down
Enjoyed it a lot.
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