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The Alpine Uproar (2009)

by Mary Daheim(Favorite Author)
3.79 of 5 Votes: 2
0345502558 (ISBN13: 9780345502551)
Ballantine Books
Emma Lord Mystery
review 1: Enjoyed the book, but for personal reasons I ran into the library to quickly grab some books and didn't realize that I didn't get the ones that were right after the one I got done reading. Was transported 10 years later and was lost on some of the characters and going on in the town and took a bit to get in the rhythm of the story. Maybe better read in the right order. Need to get back and catch up where the other books left off.
review 2: I love this series, mediocre as it is, because it takes place in a little town called Alpine - an old logging town nestled in the Cascades and the Cascades mean the great Pacific northwest wherein lies my heart .Emma Lord runs the Alpine Advocate and solves murders as well as runs the paper. She has a bunch of characters as
... more friends: Her House and Home editor, Vida Runkel, who has a closet full of extraordinary hats, and helps solve the murders, because she knows everyone in town, Milo Dodge, the Sheriff. and sometime lover who refers to his ex-wife as old mulehide. The murder takes place in an off beat salon and seems a simple matter because the murderer admits his guilt, but it is not quite that simple. Emma and Vida finally untangle the whole thing and everyone is satisfed. This is not the best of this series but it will do until the real thingcomes along. less
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Typical Emma Lord book- haven't read one of those in a long time!
Thank god Vida finally had to confront Roger's real personality.
Easy going entertainment.
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