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The Invincible Iron Man, Vol. 6: Stark Resilient, Book 2 (2011)

by Matt Fraction(Favorite Author)
3.92 of 5 Votes: 2
0785148345 (ISBN13: 9780785148340)
The Invincible Iron Man
review 1: Okay, I'm going to review Resilient part 1 and 2 here, since it really is one story arc.The good: The characters and relationships. Tony Stark having to pick up the pieces in the aftermath of Dark Reign and Siege is probably the most interesting thing about this arc. The dialogue is (for the most part) well written and entertaining. I like that Tony comes off as kind of an asshole, but we can still root for him. I like even more that Pepper gets to be awesome again.The meh: The artwork. It's not that bad, it's just not very appealing. Overall it just doesn't have a style to it it just looks kind of generic and uninteresting. The new Iron Man armor looks fine, but Detroit Steel looks like a really ugly transformers toy (and maybe that's intentional, but come on who designs ... moresuch a monstrosity?).I also could not really get behind the whole let's build a car thing. Maybe it's because I just don't care about cars in general, but I really didn't care for it.The bad: The bad guys "plan" does not make any sense. None.Just talking about how unbelievable stupid the idea of having drones controlled by unsuspecting people thinking they are playing a mobile game is could take a while. Nothing about this makes any sense... at all: Giving people who have no idea what they are doing access to expensive technology, that fact that a drone can easily be controlled through a cell phone, the fact that a break down in the cell phone network makes the drones useless, the fact that they plastered their name over this game so it's extra easy to associate them with it... and on and on. Which brings us to my second problem with this plan: How do the Hammer women get away with this? They attack a public demonstration of a new car, cause unbelievable amounts of damage probably kill some innocent bystanders and then just tell people it wasn't them, when everyone could see them doing it? You just have to make an anonymous call to some TV station and tell them it was a terrorist attack and no one will inquire any further into this? No one can figure out were these drones suddenly come from and that they are controlled through this game except for some people who work for Stark and they for some reason don't tell anyone? No one gets suspicious that the maps they are playing are the places Detroit Steel is right at that moment in time? Anyone involved with this should be in prison at the end of the story, but they're not because anyone not working for Tony Stark firmly holds the idiot ball since the and guys are still needed for the next story.So overall I would say three stars, but since Stark Disassembled was so much better and because of the idiot plot especially at the end of the story I'll have to go with two.
review 2: Matt Fraction's run on Iron Man was pretty awesome until "Stark Resilient". "Stark Resilient" has some clever writing but it's not enough to save it. The pacing is slow. I can count th number of action sequences. Theres not much story but Matt beats around the bush a lot. The whole story could have been told in 4 or less issues. All and all it's not the worst iron man story arc. It's just not what you would expect in a comic book about weapons. less
Reviews (see all)
I love that there was a fair bit of Rhodey in this, but then there's still not enough.
Great characterization, exciting adventure, and fun corporate espionage.
Individual issues on marvel unlimited
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