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From The Land Of The Moon (2006)

by Milena Agus(Favorite Author)
3.54 of 5 Votes: 2
1609450019 (ISBN13: 9781609450014)
Europa Editions
review 1: In her debut novel, Agus follows the fortunes of a Sardinian woman whose adventures begin as WWII comes to an end; the unnamed narrator is her granddaughter who is about to be married. The woman had suitors, but with no firm proposals by 30, she was forced into a marriage to a widower whose experiences in the brothel dictate their life in the bedroom. Several miscarriages and kidney stones later, she is sent to thermal baths on the mainland for a cure, where she takes as her lover a war veteran whose kindness is in stark contrast to her husband's indifference. The veteran has a wife and daughter in Milan and she returns home to give birth to a son. Years later, she searches for her lost love, wandering the streets of Milan. The narrator constantly amends the tale, demonstr... moreating the uncertainty of stories passed down. Agus's descriptions of the everyday are as beautiful and haunting as her portrayal of life's most dramatic episodes. Add an unexpected ending and the result is a graceful, powerful book.
review 2: J’aime beaucoup écouter des livres audio, c’est mon petit plaisir lors de mes trop longs trajets solitaires en voiture. J’ai une nette préférence pour les courts récits, qui peuvent s’écouter en un seul et même trajet. Je suis donc très bien tombé avec ce magnifique roman de Milena Agus, une histoire sobre et mélancolique. Je crois que la voix et la façon de raconter l’histoire y est pour beaucoup. Je lève mon chapeau à Sandrine Willems qui donne vie à ce roman, elle en fait une lecture très agréable. less
Reviews (see all)
Lose yourself in this beautiful, romantic little book. Would be a great pick for a discussion group.
An unusual love story........could be a great screenplay. Quick and enjoyable read.
Words draw you into the book as if you were in the setting. Beautiful.
Lu en français. Original. Vif et vrai.
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