Ender’s Game is a 1985 military science fiction novel by American author Orson Scott Card, and this novel tells is about the story of a young boy, Ender Wiggin, who is sent to a training named Battle School, located in orbit above the Earth, built to train people to become soldiers that will one day battle against a vast alien race known as “Buggers”.
The training sessions at the Battle School were challenging for Ender as some student soldiers hate him for his special ability to win battles after battles. As the result, he was granted a very special teacher, who will help him to become a commander to save humanity from the Third Invasion.
While I was reading this book, I learned that Ender is brave, determined, but whether he is kind or mean changes as he progresses through Battle School. He likes to find consolation together with Valentine.
I would recommend this book to readers over 12 years old, who are mainly interested in Science Fiction, or who are interested in knowing more about how people behave. The language that are used in this book were moderately strong, but also somewhat complex for younger readers. The reason why I liked this book is because it follows a busy, unpredictable, action-packed plot, but the end of the novel is still sad and strong enough to make us reflect on our behavior and on the book’s events.
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