Friday Fave: Auto-buy Author

Friday Fave is a weekly discussion about different bookish topics. You can choose just one favourite or a few – the choice is up to you!

This week’s topic is: Auto-buy Author.

V.E.Schwab (Victoria Schwab)


If you have been following my blog for a while, this will come as no surprise what-so-ever.

I initially saw her Archived series (written as Victoria Schwab) floating around on Tumblr for a little while before I bought it, intrigued by the idea of a library of dead souls. I was also slightly curious as I was planning a novel which features the afterlife and I didn’t want to write anything that had already been written! It’s safe to say that my idea was totally different, and that I needed to read the next book! The Unbound definitely did not disappoint, however, there was a bit of a cliffhanger and there is no signs that the next book will ever be published.

The next book of hers I became aware of through her Twitter was A Darker Shade of Magic. It was described as: four Londons, a magical traveller with an awesome coat and a cross dressing thief. Just from that description, I fell in love and pre-ordered the book, reading it soon after it was delivered. This book made me fall in love with her writing and I was elated when I found out it was the first in a trilogy. The subsequent books have made this one of my all-time favourite series.

Because of this, I read Vicious, which had been published before ADSOM. I don’t particularly read Science Fiction books, but I really liked this Supervillains story, especially the thinking behind how someone could get superhuman powers.

Since then, I’ve pre-ordered any of Schwab’s books as soon as there was a link for it on the Waterstones website. I’m currently waiting on a link for the signed UK version of ADSOM which hasn’t gone live yet – I’ve been pretty much checking the website it’s going to be sold on everyday, but I’ve had no luck yet!

Recently, there was an announcement that she has a four book deal in addition to the Vicious sequel, Vengeful. Three of these books make up a sequel series to the Shades of Magic series, and will feature characters from the first series. It looks like I will soon have a dedicated shelf full of her books – and it’s going to look brilliant, especially since she seems to have been blessed by the cover gods!

Who is your auto-buy author?

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