Gordon Klingenschmitt Says Something Stupid; Film at When the Hell Ever

Remember when Katy Perry gave a speech at a Human Rights Campaign gala? You know, where she talked about overcoming bigotry?

Yeah, that wasn’t about overcoming bigotry. That was Satan. At least, according to Gordon Klingonshit Klingenschmitt. I’m not kidding.

“If you had been sincere in your prayers at the Jesus camps, you would have prayed against sin and the devil,” Klingenschmitt said on a recent episode of his “Pray In Jesus Name” program. “You would have repented of your sin and invited Jesus to rule your heart. But apparently that’s not what you prayed.”

After declaring that that Perry is now “ruled by Satan,” Klingenschmitt offered her some helpful advice: “Katy Perry, you don’t just need more of your Jesus camps, more of the Bible, more of what your parents told you; you need to get the devil out of you.

I don’t think that’s the devil in Katy Perry, Gordon. I think it’s what we refer to as “logic”. You should try it sometime; it’ll do you a world of good.

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