How should a husband treat his wife?



Ephesians 5:25 – Husbands, love your wives, even as Christ also loved the church, and gave himself for it;

“When Paul says that a husband must embrace self-sacrifice for the sake of his wife’s well-being, this, of course, includes her physical safety. But the main threat against which a man must protect his wife is his own sin. A friend once expressed his awakening to this truth in these words: “I used to think that if a man came into my house to attack my wife, I would certainly stand up to him. But then I came to realize that the man who enters my house and assaults my wife every day is me, through my anger, my harsh words, my complaints, and my indifference. As a Christian, I came to realize that the man I needed to kill in order to protect my wife is myself as a sinner.” ~ Richard D. Phillips, The Masculine Mandate: God’s Calling to Men (p. 87)

“Gentlemen, nothing in God’s word says you are to degrade your wife, to belittle or to force her into submission to your ideas or opinions. You are to lead by presenting a godly example. Yes, you are to make decisions and they should never demean your wife. If you do you sin against her and also against God. You should never make her the blunt of jokes and always show her a proper and gentlemanly respect. A man who does put his wife down degrades himself. It shows he has no real understanding of the roles of marriage. If he does not respect his wife he will not respect other also. The result will be that he will be a poor husband and leader.” ~Cooper Abrams

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