If Fairytail Was Shoujo

Although I quite like Fairytail, I’m not the biggest fanatic, so I’m not exactly up to date with the manga or anime.

However, I did hear from a friend who did finish the manga that NaLu, my FT OTP, didn’t happen. I was devastated.

Then, a few days (or it could’ve been weeks, I forget) alter, on Twitter, I saw that Mashima Hiro, the mangaka of FT, released a picture of Natsu and Lucy’s child. I was like “Yes! Yes! My ship has sailed!”

But then why did my friend say that NaLu didn’t happen in the manga?

I concluded that NaLu just wasn’t very emphasized in the manga. That kinda made me sad cos I’d wanted to know all the juicy details of how they eventually discovered their feelings for each other and fell in love… and of course, the FIRST KISS! At that moment, I wished Fairytail was a shoujo.

And that got my (rusty) brain cogs moving…

So here’s my list of what things would change if FT was shoujo instead of shounen!



1.Main Kyarakuta—


Although Mashima makes it clear that Lucy is the one telling the story, Natsu is undoubtedly the main character. If the manganime was shoujo however, this would change. Lucy would be the main character. Don’t think this would really affect much? Well, keep reading.


2. Plot Change

With Lucy as the main character, the search for Igneel wouldn’t be such a reoccurring theme. Natsu’s past, although it may still be as cool, wouldn’t overshadow Lucy’s. Rather, it would be just another blip in their up and down romance. (Just when they think they’ve finally settled down and had their first kiss, Natsu recalls his past and has to leave on account of it, thinking that he is undeserving of love… the classic dark and mysterious shoujo manga character!) Lucy would also be the hero of the day more often in battles. Now you may be thinking “Would there still be fighting in a shoujo?” I’ll answer that question in the next item:


3. Setting

The most common setting for a shoujo is a high school. However, manga like Kamisama Kiss and Akatsuki no Yona have proven that this must not be so. So yes, most likely, a shojolized (shoujonized? shoujonified?) Fairytail would likely still take place in the magical Magnolia, in the Fairytail guild. So in answer to the question I posed in the last item, yes, there would still be fighting. However, I dare to venture that there would be less of it, as the plot would change to revolve mostly about Lucy and her romantic encounters with Natsu, as well as a few sneak-peeks of the romantic tales of the other characters. (Like Alzack and Bisca! Am I the only one that was so stupendously happy when it happened?)


4. Fanservice

Shoujo are usually termed “unoffensive” so there is a noticeable lack of fanservice in shoujo. So yeah, the only form of fanservice that would happen in Shoujo FT would be Natsu accidentally getting a peek up Lucy’s skirt (I mean, it’s kind of inevitable anyway, with all the miniskirts Lucy’s always wearing…)


5. Arcs

A shounen arc usually means a new villain (or an old villain returned). A shoujo arc means a new level of love. If Fairytail were shoujo, rather than having cool fighting arcs like the Lullaby, Galuna Island, Edolas and Tower of Heaven arcs, we’d have Valentine’s Day, Fairytail Guild’s Trip to An Onsen (hot springs), Lucy or Natsu falls sick arcs. And of course, let’s not forget that arc where Fairytail gets a new member who conveniently falls in love with Lucy, giving Natsu a rival. Ah, classic.

The fighting arcs would probably still be there, just not as prevalent.


6. Lisanna

You know how Lisanna was Natsu’s love interest before Lucy came in? You know how she was all okay with Natsu moving on? Yeah, that wouldn’t happen if Fairytail was shoujo. Lisanna would get so amazingly jealous, she would do all in her power to pull Natsu and Lucy apart. Of course, her attempts would only bring them closer together.

In the end, she would be either alone and crying or with the exchange student, er, I mean new member, that Lucy rejected.


7. The End


Yeah, I definitely needed a picture this big :’) 

(picture provided by Misakicia)


They would get married. In the actual manga. None of that post-ending stuff that shounen mangaka pull. There would be an actual wedding with actual crying friends and an actual kiss in the last or second-to-last chapter of the manga. In the second case, the final chapter would be a glimpse into their future lives, and a sneak-peek at their kids. So cute!

So yeah, that’s about all I can come up with at 4am Tuesday morning! (Of course, you’re not going to be seeing this until later in the afternoon because I’m actually going to work on a paper for English now instead of hitting “Publish.” Ah, procrastination.)

Did you guys like this blog? Would you prefer a shoujonized (yep, still not a word) Fairytail over the shounen? Or is there a completely different genre you’d want it over (seinen? mahou shoujo? harem?) Let me know in the comments down below!


Oh, and let me know how many times I used the word “shoujo” in this blog >_<

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