Insidious: The Last Key

hello muchachos!

I just wanna share what i got after watching Insidious: The Last Key. To be really honest, its not really scary like the previous. Because this one is more about Elise’s past. and i, yea kinda like this one, i can see the positive things in this “horror” movie. This movie thought me how to shut my own demon (because for me this one is about how Elise deal with her own demon, how can she win from her demon). This movie kinda knocked my heart, and brought me to my past as well, to my old memories and teased my heart. and i remember how i was really in struggle and scared of my own mind. there’re really a monster in my head, tried to eat “me”. and how i shut them? i prayed in loud but silent (in the spirit). thank god, the monster’s gone.

back to the story, this movie will teach you how to forgive everyone you hate so you won’t be out of mind, or your body full of hates. there will only love and peace when you can forgive those people you hate. make peace with your past, and your demons will be gone. be always kind with others. don’t ever make yourself as a tool of demon. once you open the door of hate/grudge/envy/anger, you’re welcoming demon to use you to do bad things. you will lost your heart, mind, and people you love. forgive yourself for having all the bad vibes in you, and forgive others for made you as a living demon.

let karma just do it’s own job. you don’t need to be bad people, just be kind and bring peace to your surroundings. remember, once you want to take vengeance on people who ever did something to you, you’re becoming like them. there’s no difference between you and them.

that’s all for me now, peace to you and ciao! xo


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