The Celts are often credited with more second sight than the average. To the extent that’s true, it’s unsurprising that those who can really claim gifts of a psychic nature will be real standouts and rather spectacular like Co Clare’s Biddy Early historically who fascinated many from Lady Gregory to Mary Daly. One such standout today is Joe Cassidy.

Cassidy does not consider himself a psychic, rather a person with a strong sixth sense whose strength it took him a long time, illness and his father’s death to take seriously and turn into a career. It was a case of “difference”, (like being gay) and of fate rather than any vocation. And he doesn’t, like his son who inherits his father’s sensitivity, report assistance shaman-style from any animal totem familiar.

Cassidy’s life as a diviner and healer within modern Ireland is recorded through his own words in The Diviner, published by Penguins. It makes fascinating reading and plainly Joe, who is a person of sympathy and integrity has something going for him. It is impossible he and so many people from different walks of life are just lying about their changed health, houses, horses and situations generally. Nevertheless a few questions can be asked and some objectivity and surprising data can be obtained via another esoteric source, the astrological pattern unexamined so far as I know.


We know Cassidy’s birth date because he supplies it at the outset of his account. It was 25th March 1961 in Naas, Kildare but no time is given except at night when he was rushed to a Dublin hospital in danger of his life. A doctor said if he didn’t die he would be a vegetable for life but his mother went to church to ask God he would be saved. He was saved after some months in an incubator. As with many healers and shamans there are health problems and weaknesses. Cassidy is dyslexic like another “amazing” and controversial Irish psychic, Lorna Byrne (like Cassidy also born under Aries) who claims to see angels and the other world continuously.

Even without a birth time which I will show can be easily and plausibly determined for the night in question, there are some things we can expect to find and do. For a water diviner who detects “geopathic stress”, we would expect strong water sign input plus some strong earth input too. For a career healer we could expect some factor in the sixth house of health and healing. We would also expect to find one or all of the intuitive houses (the 4th, 8th and 12th somehow emphasized. All this we can see and coherently if we set the chart for around 10.15 pm or a bit later. (1)

At this time water sign Scorpio rises conjunct sensitive and mystical Neptune from where within the 12th house of the unconscious and dreams it sets up a powerful and fortunate grand trine to Mercury in one direction and Mars in the other. It does this in respectively the fourth “house” of houses, homes and the earth and the eighth house of the secret or occult. And there’s the added flourish of the planetoid, Chiron, the wounded healer, in the fourth house too making conjunction with Mercury – mind and understanding can be brought to bear on matters of healing.

I think there can be no question the right time should place Neptune in the twelfth house (which requires a birth around 10.15 pm or after), rather than rising in the first  including because the twelfth is a position many photographers share. Cassidy often speaks of either seeing people and events like so many photos in his head or requiring people to send him photos to work on for distance healing. Neptune is moreover naturally powerful in the twelfth its house of affinity and strong in Scorpio too. I would point out that my data for Christ likewise shows Neptune in Scorpio but in the sixth house of healing and sacrifice rather than the Cassidy’s twelfth. See Testament of the Magi

With so much work, often demanding work being done in homes, fields and farms it is unsurprising to find busy, earthy, Saturn in its natural sign, Capricorn, in out of sign conjunction with a fortunate Jupiter in surprising and oddball Aquarius.

Fortunate and peaceful Venus is in the sixth house of health and healing (as for Jesus) and patients do find Cassidy’s presence and his clinic unusually peaceful. Reflecting an unusual career and reputation, Uranus is within conjunction of the Midheaven of destiny, career and reputation and, if my time is correct, from within the ninth house of beliefs and religion too. This is something about which one can well comment in the context of Ireland’s beliefs and traditions because there looks to be something unusual and notable here. I shall broach the subject from its least controversial aspect first.


Cassidy who takes money and originally with reluctance for services, has described himself as lacking a good business sense. This is true and belongs with his Jupiter, the planet of any religion ruling his second house of money in erratic Aquarius – and in fact it was for a suitably eccentric reason that he first began taking money in good conscience.

A very “traditional nun” came for healing and to Cassidy’s embarrassment insisted on paying. Her rationale was Jesus didn’t work for nothing. He must have been paid to have afforded his bed and board, but anyway God has to be paid. This is tribute to Irish Catholic biblical illiteracy. Luke 8:3 records Jesus was accompanied by the twelve along with certain women, some apparently rich like the wife of Herod’s steward, Joanna, and whom it is said Jesus had healed. While this suggests financial support on perhaps an ongoing, appreciative “love offerings” basis, that this was far from everywhere and always available is indicated by Jesus’ complaint the Son of Man had nowhere to lay his head (Matt 8:20). So it was hardly a case for God regularly “getting something for what he did” and there is no recorded instance of Jesus or the apostles either directly accepting or charging for healings.


Since however Cassidy, even with his Scorpio Neptune, is not Jesus and he does need to live, what is more controversial is that the nun applied for healing without apparently inquiring or caring what the source of his healing might be or to what ends the gifts are used – his work includes sometimes addressing assumed spirits of the dead and ghosts, witch of Endor type activities, biblically forbidden. (The nun’s role in the story is a bit like the situation which has Lorna Byrne, who advocates praying to your angel and the deity of almost any tradition – she forecasts that one day Christians will be praying at Mecca – attending charismatic prayer services).

That there is some tension for Cassidy in relation to beliefs is well mapped by the way that his sun is in opposition to asteroid Church and perhaps more significantly and personally for him, his Venus in the health and healing house is in square to his moon in the ninth sectpr of religion and beliefs.

In light of this and especially as Cassidy tends to thank “the universe” rather than God for his gifts and life path, it is not unreasonable to consider what is least positive in an otherwise strong natal chart, namely a possible flaw which, if it isn’t a fluke, could be pointing to something. I am not about to suggest that Cassidy is anything but well intentioned, or that people have not been helped by him; but that he is not religious like his mother – his “difference” derives from his father’s line which used it less – may count for something in this case. Because the awkward fact remains that at the centre of the obviously divining-relevant grand trine in water stands Mercury (conjunct wounded healer Chiron) directly trine asteroid Lucifer, itself loosely conjunct Mars.

Neither Mercury nor Mars directly link to various possible deity asteroids like Theotes (Divinity/Godhead) or Isa (Jesus), so it’s not possible to suggest there is some kind of connection with Lucifer via struggle in service of deity which would be one way of reading the pattern. (There is if anything some similarity to the pattern of Lorna Byrne who shows Lucifer within conjunction of Mercury and exact trine Saturn ).

If it’s not a fluke, what might this awkward indication mean when so obviously both the medium and recipients of the telluric adjustments and bodily healings are not Satanists and only good appears to occur? It’s the kind of riddle I made some effort to unravel in much more detail in Temple Mysteries and Spiritual Efficiency when I analyse reported patterns of success and failure in healings and exorcisms.

While I think we must accept some healing capacity in people is natural and spiritually neutral (rather like the powers of intuition almost everyone has), in the case of frequent and spectacular cases of gifting a meaningful distinction  will often be made between outright, so-called divine healings and the rest. In the former something may be added, anything from new bodily tissues to spiritual gifts, while the latter healing has more to do with something being withdrawn like a growth disappearing.


Two details do rather dissociate Cassidy from divine healing. First he admits to be occasionally willing to “play” with his gifts like spooking people by telling then to turn off a mobile phone and to wait and they will hear it ring in a couple of minutes. If this is not tall stories it sounds like intervention from tricksy spirits. (Actually Casssidy says this helps keep him sane. Really?). Second he can feel some illnesses he treats; while this is not unknown of divine healers the kind of extremes indicated like sometimes being in agony and staggering about, is not on record so far as I know. It is also a little disconcerting, albeit Cassidy is not his son, that his son’s totem spirit familiar is a wolf, biblically on several occasions a symbol of the dangers of evil and wrong belief.

Lucifer is the being and principle who can masquerade as an angel of light (2 Cor 11:14), deals in lies and deception, the thief who takes away rather than gives (Jn 8:44, 10:10). In order therefore to direct attention and praise away from the divine, what is Luciferean may simply withdraw the effects of what it has already interfered with and imposed.

There seems little doubt that extreme situations like battles and murder do leave psychic imprints on floors, walls and open land and sensitive persons can pick them up like air waves. Because evil spirits almost eat fear and are fear, they gather in accursed places. They are not ghosts of the deceased. As liars, the forces of evil simply assume the ghost role and need more to be outright exorcized to the deep rather than dismissed leaving them to wander elsewhere as they will.


The popular phenomenon that is Joe Cassidy, similarly to that of Lorna Byrne with her now large international following, is one that cannot be dissociated from the spiritual condition of contemporary Ireland at large. In many respects “holy” and long super-Catholic Ireland has been de-Christianized by everything from the indulgence of the Celtic Tiger years to revelations of clerical abuse and corruption so shockingly extreme they have produced an understandably disillusioned reaction. Unlike other European societies however, Ireland has become less secularist than broadly spiritual, New Age or even neo-pagan, a bit like post-Catholic James Joyce obsessed with numerology and omens.

Serving almost like gurus and prophets to the new mood and further encouraging it, are the likes of Cassidy and Byrne who without usually, or even at all, addressing the big questions, rely on the Universe or more angels than can be counted, to sort things out. But do they really and who do their mediums help?

I am aware than many exorcists would warn that dealing with spiritual forces of any occult nature regularly places binds upon future generations (to the biblical third and fourth generation). What seems to work out well on a temporary basis in one generation may not be any kind of blessing upon their grandchildren but rather the source of a whole variety of maladies and obsessions. Noticeably Cassidy, who believes his gifts are inherited, respects and wouldn’t interfere with any fairy thorn (they have a history of curses and disasters around them in Ireland). If he were an exorcist obviously he would seek to exorcize the apparent evil of the thorn, not tell people to just avoid and respect them (It speaks poorly for both average Irish Catholic teaching and authentic spiritual gifting that the problem of the thorns was not sorted out long ago!).  Somewhere something is wrong here in relation to spiritual power.

I concentrated upon Cassidy over Lorna Byrne because I can’t get clues to the latter’s birth time to see her chart well, but I do find some of her past forecasts like a coming Christian/Muslim merge credible. Chrislam is a real movement now in especially America and Pope Francis (who the St Malachy prophecy, almost more known and cited today by Protestants than Catholics, would claim Francis was the last Pope) is well on the way to Chrislam.

It is unwise to believe everything you read on the Net some of which would make out Pope Francis to be a  heretic who regards Christianity and Islam as similar. But even from an article like the following taken from the mainstream Italian press and a notable journalist,  , it is apparent that the Pope  may be moving  into uncharted waters in the wake of his predecessor John Paul 11’s kissing of a Koran, whose authority is too often used today to oppress Christians and other minorities in Muslim majority nations whose rights the Pope should be defending.

What is happening in religion is quite simply end of (Piscean) era confusion and decadence and Ireland now partakes in that after its own fashion. I have written about current spiritual issues and likely pending developments in various articles on McCleary’s Alternatives, most recently in Sense and Nonsense about the Signs of 2017 It’s a related but different subject  however. So too is Douglas Murray The Strange Death of Europe, a work that can hardly be recommended enough and which the present, very eccentric Pope needs to read for a reality check.

(1)  For the specialist....Lacking dates and times in the life to test for rectification purposes, a case can be made for birth at around 10. 15 pm with the last degrees of Leo on the Midheaven career angle and around 10.30 pm with early Virgo there. Leo is in accord with a famous career (late Leo conjunct Regulus the fame star) while Virgo is ruled by Mercury of the healer’s caduceus. About the only date I can use is the 4th Oct 2012 which the UK Book Depository lists as publication date for at any rate one edition of The Diviner. This date will supply some transiting aspects to late Leo. But it’s not enough to certify a time strongly. Either way the basic pattern is not upset by either time with whichever sign at the Midheaven. Venus remains in the healing house and Neptune remains in its house of affinity the 12th.













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