Review: My Sweet Villaintine

Title: My Sweet Villaintine
Authors: T.M. Frazier, Skye Warren, Callie Hart, Shari Slade & Lili St. Germain
Genre: Dark Romance/Erotica
Type: Short stories anthology
POV: Various

My Sweet Villaintine is a collection of short stories from five dark authors. I was excited to read this one because I’ve read at least one book from each author. However I was largely disappointed with the contents.

The authors didn’t put this book on Amazon because they didn’t want to restrict their contents – which was admirable. So I expect there to be some real fucked up shit, but all I got was an essence of darkness. Yes, the characters are villains and some of the stories were dark enough, but some is not even remotely grey. Unless drug use is considered dark… I’m not trying to be a dark snob here, but it needed something to make it relevant.

Out of the stories, only one is with completely new characters. Two are from the author’s previous/current books and another two from the author’s upcoming books. My favorite is Love Is Blind by Lili St. Germain which was highly intriguing and the darkest of the bunch.

Below is the sneak peek into the stories with their individual darkness rating. My final book rating is based on average rating of the writing, story and darkness level.

★ ORCHARD by Skye Warren ★

“I want to break you down into parts— into hope and despair. Into love and fear. I want to consume your humanity, feast on you, until there’s nothing left but a small, jagged core at the center.”

A father wanting to teach his son a lesson and nurture him to become as ruthless as he is.
✦ 3 black stars

★ RITE AND RITUAL by Callie Hart ★

“From here on out, there are no safe words,”

A woman is forced to pay her family debt.
✦ 1 black stars

★ LITTLE SORROW by Shari Slade ★

“Taking a person to the very edge of their humanity, seeing how far they’ll bend before they break… It’s heady.”

An assassin had his eyes on a broken slave girl and determined to find out about her past.
✦ 4 black stars

★ HIS POSSESSION by T.M. Frazier ★

His eyes shot open and he surged inside of me, pushing himself in all the way to the hilt and I screamed in both pleasure and pain

A woman wanting to surprise her man gets her own surprise instead.
✦ 0.5 black stars

★ LOVE IS BLIND by Lili St. Germain★

I am the monster. I am her torturer. Whatever my final moments entail, there will be rivers of my blood as I cut into my own guilty flesh and try to dig out an eleventh-hour salvation.

A man an a woman must endure each other if they want to survive
✦ 4.5 black stars


This review is also available on Goodreads.

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